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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2019-04-16 16:39:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Entry tags:antifa, bm, dnb, mukke, oesterreich, uk

Summoning Is the Best Tolkien-Obsessed, Anti-Fascist Metal Band in the World
Actually, I never considered all those NSBM freaks as serous. In the Third Reich,
their music would have been considered as "entartet" [degenerate] and pure
noise, their long hair as unmanly, and they would have been one of the first to go
into some concentration camps. I also don't see them as politically dangerous;
people who make such music wont reach the masses and never create any
influence on the mainstream politics. I see all those rising right-extreme parties
of Europe and Trump in America who reach millions as much more dangerous—
for the world, and for any kind of music.

А еще они там мило беседуют о свободе слова (это в Австрии-то свобода слова, ага-ага).

Не слушайте Summoning, не надо. Послушайте вот лучше злого драмчика от Paragon:

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2019-04-17 00:19 (ссылка)
Бля, как же неудобно с телефона.



>юзера <>

юзера [info]ultra_raver

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2021-03-27 14:07 (ссылка)
я твою мать ебал и тебя ебать буду

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2021-03-31 22:41 (ссылка)
я твою мать ебал и тебя ебать буду

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