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мимоходом про рпг [Apr. 26th, 2017|08:54 pm]
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Date:April 28th, 2017 - 10:31 am
It's funny to see a grammar nazi who doesn't know shit about the language. To be even more funny, you should have been a black skinhead grammar nazi who doesn't know shit about the language.

In colloquial English it is common to use can see, can hear for the present tense of see, hear, etc., and have got for the present tense of have (denoting possession). See Uses of English verb forms § Have got and can see.
Date:April 28th, 2017 - 10:41 am
at least i can read a wiki article without drawing outlandishly insane conclusions from that.

go fuck yourself, moron.
Date:April 28th, 2017 - 11:31 am
Oh, you silly, sad motherfucker. "Defence", "bio-reactor", buhoho. Mgimo finishd, ahahaha.