crypt of decay - две самых вредных вещи для сишечки и жму/пинус [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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две самых вредных вещи для сишечки и жму/пинус [Sep. 23rd, 2019|02:26 am]
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Date:September 27th, 2019 - 06:47 am
same shit with almost EVERY software.
PostgreSQL for example the only software in the world that can do calendar arithmetic properly. At the same time Tome Lane and the entire "committee" HAD ZERO IDEA ABOUT TIMEZONES! unimaginable ignorance!
(by the way their constant 'epoch'::TIMSTAMP has WRONG VALUE for the entire history of the program and noone cares)
Date:September 27th, 2019 - 09:56 pm
petuh zakukarekal
zamesto avrory