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Пишет lookatindivid ([info]lookatindivid)
@ 2019-05-16 10:33:00

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очко овертона
вот смотрите
по телевизору рассказывают про страшный мусорской дрон
утверждают например что лазерный ослепляющий фонарь на нем обладает такими характеристиками

значит один хуй эту информацию собрал
второй хуй впихнул ее в эту графику на стене
третий хуй прочитал это все вслух
а четвертый хуй пропустил в эфир
это как минимум четыре хуя, а ума нихуя

вся суть говнюш : три порядка туда, три порядка сюда - а кому не похуй?

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2019-05-16 14:00 (ссылка)
If the light is strong enough to blind you for a few seconds, then it is dangerous enough to damage eyes to some degree. In particular, it can bootstrap numerous eye illnesses.

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2019-05-16 14:02 (ссылка)
Still, I believe it is nice if a few Russians end up blind. They would be unable to work and serve as handicap for Russia, in addition their families will be annoyed to no end. I.e. the weapon is more dangerous than banal Makarov.

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2019-05-16 14:20 (ссылка)
Ласось Гнаткевич, сын депутата блядь, кастановед и нахуй. 44 года пидарасу, кстати!

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2019-05-16 15:12 (ссылка)
It doesn't matter because human eyes are already blind for wavelength of "635-650 mm."

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2019-05-16 15:16 (ссылка)
Oh, that.. I though they use something like laser, and bot being precise enough to hit eyes with it.

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2019-05-16 15:25 (ссылка)
Yeah, it should be "635-650 nm" (nanometers or billionths of a meter).
It is red laser, and it is quite dangerous for the eyes.
Although the eyes themselves close reflexively, therefore irreversible harm is unlikely to be done.
Even after ultraviolet irradiation, vision is gradually restored, and red light (~ 650 nm) is even softer in this meaning.

But my post was about the stupid workers of Russian TV, who missed such error on the ether of the largest news TV channel.

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2019-05-16 15:38 (ссылка)
Again, if vision was lost for long enough time, then the harm was strong enough to launch some chain reaction or reduce vision permanently.

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2019-05-16 17:13 (ссылка)
You are a little mistaken.
Have you ever looked at the flash of camera from close range? You have a white spot in your eyes for a while (about a minute), you see nothing and feel a slight pain in your eyes. But after a minute, the vision is fully restored. I did so many times in my childhood.

Also, see here:

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2019-05-16 19:08 (ссылка)
No. I don't look at bright lights, but AFAIK even looking at a lightbulb could cause permanent damage.

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2019-05-16 20:05 (ссылка)
It all depends on the intensity and duration.
Eyes have an adequate margin of safety, like any biological system.
Otherwise, people and other animals would lose their sight on sunny summer days.
Not even under the direct sun (but also not in the shade) in natural light much more photons of light come into the eyes than under artificial light.
Of course an artificial source can permanently damage the vision, but it is not so simple. The shortwave part of the spectrum is best for this. For example UV (not even direct but reflected) from laboratory sources or welding fits very well.
From the red laser the discomfort and reflex closure of the eyelids and the turning away will occur before permanent damage to the organs of vision.

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2019-05-17 11:08 (ссылка)
хорошего это не "что", а смотря кому в сраку вставить третий карандаш. Задкову, Ласосю или тебе?

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2019-05-16 20:14 (ссылка)
I myself burned my eyes with ultraviolet light, violating the safety technique I forgot to wear glasses several times for 10-20 seconds and up to minutes.
After that, the eyes ached and the sharpness was broken.
Within a few weeks, the vision was restored completely subjectively and according to the results of medical tests.
I also have similar stories from my friends climbers who injured their eyes in the mountains from the sun.
Of course, this should not be repeated.
But I want to say that all recommendations and safety rules are written redundantly with some margin.

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2019-05-16 19:10 (ссылка)

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