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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-11-08 13:46:00

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Настроение: exanimate
Entry tags:transitioning

"Tranny Supremacy"
Got branded as a traitor ;_;

Is it not okay for a tranny to date men?

It feels like some people are building a walled garden community, where you can date only other trannies without incurring God's wrath. As if the former incels and skinheads transitioned and picked a new identity instead of the white race, inventing "coal-burner" type slurs for trans-girls dating out of group. And, to be honest, many incels do transition now, finding a girlfriend, yet retaining their former scary ideas now crossdressed into different gender clothes.

I wont be surprised if in the not so distant future there will be a translesbian dictatorship with a tranny Putin, who will gulag people for dating non-girls.

The core idea of being woke is fine, but as usual people turn it into fundamentalism. I do agree that toxic masculinity should be fought, while aggressive and dumb males need their testosterone blocked by the court order. Yet that doesn't extend to everyone, not all males are bad, just like not all Africans are criminals.

Guess one day I will get lynched by the combined forces of all the nazis from all the communities hating me :(

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2021-11-09 13:41 (ссылка)
> The core idea of being woke is fine,
> but as usual people turn it into fundamentalism
Always has been.jpg

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2021-11-09 16:04 (ссылка)
US actually have persecution of Black people, most of whom get behind the bars for smoking weed. Whites can't just allow the Blacks to do their fucking weed and be happy.

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