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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2022-02-12 22:00:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:nazis, transitioning

Kiwifarms bans for asking "why do you hate trannies?"
First they put me into premoderation, and then banned.
Something tells me they can't handle free speech.
And lets be honest, conservatives have no argument beside the plain "you should not exist"
The classic hitlerite solution to the minorities question.

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2022-02-13 01:07 (ссылка)
Conservatives are not against gay or trans people or just anything new. Conservatives actually stand for conservation of democracy institutions: free speech, private property, rule of law and, of course, personal freedom with "being gay" being of the many examples.
Now i dare you to name one government that is conservative as per definition above. It is definitely not in EU, because they all are quite left. "евросовок" is a word for last twenty years for a reason. I have no idea but i would bet you that there is zero gatekeeping for HRT meds in profoundly conservative texas (for adults).
You could argue that conservative people stand against LGBT-whoknowswhat-movement and you'd be absolutely right. That is because LGBT-movement was hijacked by leftist as a very effective vehicle to victimize people (and literal children) as per cultural marxism doctrine. Surely it would take little effort from you to find some gay/trans people that are against LGBT-movement. I'd recommend to hear their side out if you really want to talk politics, not blab about.

Unfortunately this whole nuanced discourse collapsed (despite being old and well-established) with all core terms being redefined-oversimplified under leftist propaganda.
picrelated https://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/360/162/f4e.png

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2022-02-13 07:58 (ссылка)
There is nothing wrong with children transitioning.
Puberty blockers are far less harmful than the Sunday school.

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