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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2022-02-12 22:00:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:nazis, transitioning

Kiwifarms bans for asking "why do you hate trannies?"
First they put me into premoderation, and then banned.
Something tells me they can't handle free speech.
And lets be honest, conservatives have no argument beside the plain "you should not exist"
The classic hitlerite solution to the minorities question.

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2022-02-14 09:49 (ссылка)
Because you're a gigantic hypocrite. You used to hate blacks and call them niggers, you were the most openly racist person in the refugee camp and now you're suddenly all PC and negro loving? Give me a break.

Also, it's impossible to believe you're actually gay when posing as one is your only chance to not be deported to Russia. It's very clear you pretend to be gay for material gain, thus incredibly insulting real gay people.

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2022-02-14 11:31 (ссылка)
1. I'm not gay. I'm transgender. Gays generally dislike transgenders, believing transitioning is conformism and a form of "conversion therapy."
2. I began crossdressing back in Moscow.
3. I have extinguished that eternal fire at poklonnay hill while protesting for LGBT rights, in particular the ban of gay pride parades and transgender children having access to the info on their real gender and sexuality.
4. I always had girly avatars and imagined myself girl http://forum.serpcity.ru/index.php?/topic/1997-помогите-мне-пожалуйста/
5. I always was attracted to guy, but had no way to approach them, while having problems with girlfriends, who expected me to play male role.

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2022-02-14 12:27 (ссылка)
... always was a pidar

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