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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2022-02-14 15:20:00

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Настроение: exanimate
Музыка:Mike + The Mechanics - Silent Running
Entry tags:nazis, transitioning

The Main Problem of Europe
And yes, I have Silent Running playing just to laugh at the christian schizos.
Hope soon they will pledge loyalty to the Chinese flag, like the Uighur nazis.

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2022-02-15 04:53 (ссылка)
Anyway, if more transgender people start doing damage and sell their countries to enemies, that will force the governments to liberalize, whatever the rationale they have for gatekeeping. That is my point: make normies regret for mistreating you. Each school shooting reduces the amount of bullying, because they eliminate bullies from the gene pool and force administration to implement anti-bullying measures. Same way Russians had zero respect and compassion for Chechens, before Chechens began taking Russians hostage and bombing them.

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2022-02-15 08:02 (ссылка)
so the only thing you actually need is to stop bullying in schools. that's okay. much better than pushing random meds down one's throat.

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2022-02-15 18:19 (ссылка)
Gatekeeping is part of bullying.

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2022-02-16 18:13 (ссылка)
Bullying in school is physical violence. Gatekeeping is something else.

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