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Sunday, October 6th, 2024

    Time Event
    Base Building Progress
    Transferred the existing city building system into the site space.

    The cities are a lot more fine-grained than say Kohan II cities.
    So a lot of additional coding required.
    For example, unassigning a governor.
    Or building structures in the neutral city through a neutral governor.

    The single site now allows for several cities.

    The way cities produce new units have to be fleshed out.
    The new units travel from the edge of map.
    So player should be able to give them pathfinding hints.

    And I haven't yet fully decided on the unit training.
    The original design demanded visiting several location on the world map.
    Now I need to make it work with the single site scenarios.

    Yet I will still avoid the things like unit experience.
    Because I consider traditional RPG mechanics to be deficient.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Deception IV: Blood Ties - 07 Prayer of the Nihilistic
    Answering the question why I'm not using any existing engine...
    My integrated graphics chip isn't very good at 3d.
    It can barely render the Songs of Conquest or a basic blender prop.
    Furthermore, my game is 2d and my shaders are easier to implement on CPU.
    My needs are specific, so existing engine pipeline wont do me any good.

    I don't plan making huge money of my game or even sell it.
    So the Unreal/Unity license is not an issue.

    The main reason staying from mainstream is avoiding the noisy crowds.
    All the endless hype and drama with Unity and Godot is just toxic.
    Even the old C/C++ is now drama driven, since the "woke" Rust appeared,
    which governments declared as the single right solution.

    I'm afraid of maintainers continuously updating their systems.
    Without asking me. or asking me to implement the changes I don't want.
    Say add some "Support Iranian Terrorists" fundraiser logo.
    That doesn't happen when I control everything.
    Including how the wheel gets re-invented.

    "Not invented here" is not anti-pattern.
    That paradigm keeps YOU in control.
    Not the people who originally "invented" it.

    If you want freedom, you have to reject others.
    Your transphobic mother is dying? - Just ignore her.
    Less mental resources wasted.

    Good thing I wrote my own engine in my personal language.
    That absolves me of any responsibilities.
    Since I'm not part of any community and don't share any values.
    I don't share their problems either.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Pilotpriest - Risky Business
    List of Actions a Unit Can Do
    Had to completely redesign the action system.

    Originally each unit class had a list of actions, it can perform.

    That was used by both AI and human players.

    Such systems, while superficially easy, are defective by design.

    Even in simpler action games.

    But my case is exceedingly complex.

    So since the beginning this typed action list created issues.

    For example, I had to list `cast_spell` for every spellcaster.
    And then also check the spellcaster is not silenced.

    There was just no easy way to add cast_spell to a unit which initially had none.

    I had some ad-hoc system to allow that, which basically simulated ECS.

    Since the transition to ECS, I no longer have solid classes.

    So actions dynamically attach onto entities which satisfy the requirements.

    The cast_cast from the example will be available to any entity matching
    spellcaster and -silenced

    Even if that entity was dynamically constructed.

    TLDR: just use ECS.

    Current Mood: contemplative

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