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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2022-02-15 09:51:00

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Настроение: exanimate
Музыка:I Will Never Be The Same - Cry Little Sister
Entry tags:nazis, transitioning

Puberty Blockers
So you want to force these bullied queer teenagers into male roles and block them from puberty blockers? Your argument is that they are too young to decide their gender. You decide gender for them and their parents, and want to enforce your will by subverting the law. In other words you're taking complete responsibility.

Now it is you who should be held accountable if in the future these pidor teenagers suicide because they dislike playing the male roles (you wanted them to play), or become incels and commit mass murder Elliot Rodger style, or continue with transitioning, but wont achieve the desired feminization, because after puberty the bone structure and other important features are set in stone, and can never be changed, while facial and body hair requires expensive procedures to remove.

Given that, you should pay heavy reparations to every single person who wanted puberty blockers and hasn't received them, and is now unhappy. You should pay for their cosmetic surgeries, you should pay to the victims of their mass murder, you should pay for their anti-depressants and ADHD meds and failure to find employment and complete education (testosterone makes people restless), you should pay to their families, if they suicide.

Are you ready to pay? Because you have invaded their private lives and decided their fate. So any their failure or misdeed is your failure and misdeed, and you are guilty of it.

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2022-02-15 20:24 (ссылка)
>It is a proven fact, which conservatives try to hide because "religious freedom"

i mean no offence, Sadkov, but can you read and understand English?

>Analyst of the MRI data indicated that the surgery subjected the infant to a significant trauma

literally, they cut a piece of skin without anesthesia. this is a physical trauma, like cutting a finger, and it obviously looked like that on the MRI image. This was what the MRI analyst saw and explained to the others.

> follow ups 1 day, 1 week and 1 month after indicated that childs brain never returned to its baseline configuration

but seriously, infant's brain develops at incredible speed. For example, vision and hearing develops first weeks and months after the birth; many other things too. there is simply no fuckin' "baseline configuration" 1 week or 1 month later! Isn't it obvious?

those guys were just dumb idiots. The rest of the story does not matter.

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2022-02-16 13:51 (ссылка)
In any case, infants gave no consent for their genitals mutilation.

Same with intersex people, who get their unique genitals completely ruined.

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2022-02-16 17:42 (ссылка)
I am not for circumcising infant boys, but honestly I don't see it as a problem.

Otherwise people should be entitled to good medical care. It can be discussed what a good medical care is or should be, but random body mutilation and self medication with hormones are out of question.

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2022-02-18 07:28 (ссылка)
>I don't see it as a problem.

I see no problem with forcibly castrating the bigots like you or your Misha.

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