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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2022-02-18 08:21:00

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Настроение: excited
Музыка:Marilyn Manson - Get Your Gunn
Entry tags:nazis, transitioning

"We must secure the future for the transgender children."
Dear Friends! You know I have to distance myself as far as possible from the toxicity, that the russianism and masculinity represent. So you probably noticed or guessed that I was never super okay with being "White," as far as a person born in Russia to 1/2 Jewish dad and 1/2 Asian mom can be white. I'm not white, I'm transgender - whatever made me a "tranny": my genetics, the brain damage I sustained during birth, the psychiatric drugs or just the conscious repulsion of the obsolete traditional norms.

So it is the time to explicitly distance from the Whites (tm).
Please unsubscribe me from the whiteness.
No more charges to my "chicken account" for that nonsense.
Dank u wel in advance!!!

I don't want to be Russian.
I don't want to be "White." -
It is really crushin',
And my soul is bright.

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2022-02-18 10:39 (ссылка)
One big problem with leftist propaganda is that it deeply mixes gender, racial etc. identity with political identity (aka identity politics). While in reality these are completely orthogonal phenomena. Beware.

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2022-02-18 11:13 (ссылка)
Conservatives can bully Africans, trans girls or just geeky kids, but no matter whom they bully that will be bigotry. So it is not "mixing", but recognizing the specific behavioral pattern, which must be corrected for the humanity to move forward.

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