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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-09-22 12:33:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Музыка:TheFatRat - Close to the Sun
Entry tags:transitioning

My Ongoing Health Issues
As you know, to recover hair I used minoxidil. But the oral minoxidil formulation is not available without prescription and Dutch doctors are well known for their fascism and general obscurantism, refusing to prescribe what patient wants and insisting that hair loss is a cosmetic thing. Western faggots believe in body-positivity and that being bald woman is completely okay.

Fortunately topical minoxidil is available without prescription. Unfortunately topical minoxidil is completely placebo, since it can't penetrate scalp (the formulation isn't suitable for injection), and there is no enzyme SULT1A1 to activate it. So the obvious solution is to just drink topical minoxidil. Unfortunately the topical minoxidil contains special alcohol, which is toxic on ingestion. But the quantity is small and I was too lazy to distillate it (I despise doing manual labor, since I'm not a slavnigger). So I just drank the topical solution as is.

I have recovered my hair, but after prolonged drinking that window cleaner alcohol began giving me headaches and nausea, but I just ignored it. Apparently now I got issues with kidneys. Well, Dutch will have to pay for my dialysis, since it is not my fault they refused to sell me oral minoxidil. When you gatekeep something, you become responsible for everything. At least make your topical shit safe to drink when you gatekeep the oral and injection routes.

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2024-09-22 14:39 (ссылка)
Topical minox works just fine.

Ебанутым нет покоя (не знаю как на английском)

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2024-09-22 14:45 (ссылка)
лысый пидор садков остался без почек

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2024-09-22 15:11 (ссылка)
It doesn't. Only oral and injectible actually work.

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2024-09-22 15:20 (ссылка)
купить из-под полы, как гормоны, не судьба была? всё ж продаётся и покупается.

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2024-09-22 15:26 (ссылка)
It is expensive and harder to find. Topical is dirt cheaper, given that the formulation is highly concentrated, a single flask can last you years.

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2024-09-22 15:32 (ссылка)
"скупой платит дважды".

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2024-09-22 16:00 (ссылка)
I don't want to pay for air.

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2024-09-22 16:09 (ссылка)
поэтому ты решила научиться дышать жопой? так себе выход.

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2024-09-23 01:31 (ссылка)
I would rather be breathing with my vagina.

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2024-09-23 02:04 (ссылка)
And I would rather be a billionaire in my 20ies, with model appearance, and a big dick. So? Does it mean I should start living this life by taking jet pilot courses, without any ability to actually afford said jet, and injecting synthol into my dick or whatever, with the thought "good enough"? The fuck is this thought process?

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2024-09-23 11:09 (ссылка)
Poor people should be forbidden to have kids.
Then everyone will have money and no gatekeeping will be possible.

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2024-09-24 07:50 (ссылка)
No kids = economic decline, no taxes = no welfare for the parasites.

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2024-09-22 23:07 (ссылка)
>My health and well being is as worthless as air.


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