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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-09-22 12:33:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Музыка:TheFatRat - Close to the Sun
Entry tags:transitioning

My Ongoing Health Issues
As you know, to recover hair I used minoxidil. But the oral minoxidil formulation is not available without prescription and Dutch doctors are well known for their fascism and general obscurantism, refusing to prescribe what patient wants and insisting that hair loss is a cosmetic thing. Western faggots believe in body-positivity and that being bald woman is completely okay.

Fortunately topical minoxidil is available without prescription. Unfortunately topical minoxidil is completely placebo, since it can't penetrate scalp (the formulation isn't suitable for injection), and there is no enzyme SULT1A1 to activate it. So the obvious solution is to just drink topical minoxidil. Unfortunately the topical minoxidil contains special alcohol, which is toxic on ingestion. But the quantity is small and I was too lazy to distillate it (I despise doing manual labor, since I'm not a slavnigger). So I just drank the topical solution as is.

I have recovered my hair, but after prolonged drinking that window cleaner alcohol began giving me headaches and nausea, but I just ignored it. Apparently now I got issues with kidneys. Well, Dutch will have to pay for my dialysis, since it is not my fault they refused to sell me oral minoxidil. When you gatekeep something, you become responsible for everything. At least make your topical shit safe to drink when you gatekeep the oral and injection routes.

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2024-09-23 10:04 (ссылка)
LES 7-3
487 gemakkelijk легко
488 moeilijk сложно
489 ogenblik момент
490 Nederlands нидерландского языка
491 kent знает
492 vindt найдёт
493 in elk geval в любом случае
494 daarom поэтому
495 bezig занят
496 leren изучением
497 inderdaad действительно
498 zeer очень
499 belangrijk важен
500 ken знаешь
501 nu теперь
502 voer (- een gesprek) веду беседу, разговариваю
503 klein маленькую
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505 buiten вне
506 iedere каждый
507 aantal (некоторое) число
508 nieuwe новых
509 woorden слов
510 moeten должны
511 hard упорно, сильно
512 zeker конечно
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514 snel быстро
515 vind найдёшь


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