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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-31 13:00:00

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Настроение: annoyed
Музыка:Howard Drossin - Sendai Enclave
Entry tags:transitioning

Cops came again to harrass me
Currently ACABs impute me prostitution.
Last time they claimed I boiled a cat.
Before that they insisted I have a firearm.
And then that I'm a racist and a russophobe,
That I vandalize property and disturb order.
These transphones make up a reason of every type.

It is easy to harass trans folk.
Instead of going after actual criminals.
Who have real guns, not imaginary ones.
And if they want a whore, they should arrest their moms.

But I guess this time municipality unleashed them.
Since I filled multiple complaints against the municipality,
which impedes my inburgering.

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2024-10-31 16:50 (ссылка)
And Hunter Biden / Trump are smart enough to not admit it. Even Epstein wasn't admitting to it. You admitted you do illegal stuff.

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