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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-31 13:00:00

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Настроение: annoyed
Музыка:Howard Drossin - Sendai Enclave
Entry tags:transitioning

Cops came again to harrass me
Currently ACABs impute me prostitution.
Last time they claimed I boiled a cat.
Before that they insisted I have a firearm.
And then that I'm a racist and a russophobe,
That I vandalize property and disturb order.
These transphones make up a reason of every type.

It is easy to harass trans folk.
Instead of going after actual criminals.
Who have real guns, not imaginary ones.
And if they want a whore, they should arrest their moms.

But I guess this time municipality unleashed them.
Since I filled multiple complaints against the municipality,
which impedes my inburgering.

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2024-10-31 16:58 (ссылка)
nice, but it does not work like that: you cannot beg the government for money and shit on their rules at the same time.

if you do they won't pay and won't allow you things

then you'll be back whining here wait oh shit

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