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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-23 15:41:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Музыка:The Birthday Massacre - Beyond
Entry tags:gamedev

The Spell of Mastery Progress
I have decided limiting player access to the units inventory.
That is due to a numerous reasons:
1. Managing inventory is a micromanagemnt chore. It doesn't support the core loop in meaningful way. And I really dislike the inventory packing puzzles.
2. Allowing characters autonomy over how they dress themselves would allow characters to be unique, forcing the player to with what they get.
3. Characters now can have private belongings the player can't take away to for their fav character.

So basically each character now has wealth stat and they equip themselves according to their skills, goals, means and desires.

That is the precise the case where constraints bring diversity.
Without these constraints player will just genocide the characters they dislike.
As a game designer I should introduce systems which punish the player for being a nazi.
Or at least not promote any kind of nazism

Anyway, since a different characters require different outfits, I still have to draw a lot.
Dunno if this helmet is better with mask or without.
Or maybe you should have several variations, with characters picking the more suitable.

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2024-11-23 19:00 (ссылка)
Гхы гхы, весёлого поварёнка-каломеса гнобить -- это, наверна, как труп ебать. Гавнаед сначало пыталсо сопротивляцо и даже чутка пободалса, а потом скоропостижна скончалса от кровоизлияния в жеппу

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