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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-03 21:59:00

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Entry tags:gamedev

Spell of Mastery Progress
Exposed the parameter controlling the vividness of the perspective.

Apparently the scientific name for this phenomena is "focal length" and I have just reinvented the wheel. As per usual.

Setting it to high values makes result indistinguishable from the orthogonal projection.

In real life making photos of people with low focal length can have comical effect.

Guess now I have enough knowledge to write a basic 3d game.
But I wont. My inquiry into 3d will end with this voxel editor.

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2021-10-05 23:05 (ссылка)
Retreat from this it may be not too late. It is a lot harder to survive as a poor old ugly tranny than as a poor old ugly man. You had a nice beard though. If youre a homosexual you can live life of a homosexual as a man. You may experience tenfold troubles in your new appearance. Not even homosexuals want to interact with an ugly tranny. You have face structure of a man and skin of a 40yo man and everyone will instantly recognize you as an old pervert and give you a hard time. Since you are a bum without documents, house, relatives or money you will not be able to live a good life as an ugly tranny with a wig. And you'll experience brain hormonal effects from these tablets that may turn you into a russian babushka. Your only last resort may be to kill yourself and reincarnate as a russian boi.

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2021-10-06 08:07 (ссылка)
>Since you are a bum without documents, house, relatives or money
.... he has to be excentric. Being a normie is a luxury.

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2021-10-06 12:13 (ссылка)
I don't care. I just want to be myself.

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