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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-17 07:47:00

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Настроение: happy
Entry tags:transitioning

Daily Redpill
17.10.2021 8:00: 5mg Cyproterone; 1mg Estradiol sublingually

I keep taking 1mg in the morning, and 1mg before going to sleep.

Anyway, yesterday I bought "zalmfilet zonder huid", and ate half of it, before noticing that it is, well, raw, and not the usual norway salted one. So I salted and peppered it, and ate. I should have fried it instead, but since I already ate half, it was too much to bother.

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2021-10-17 15:11 (ссылка)
You probably overdosed on it. And people do increase it up to 8mg, when their organism is ready for that. But you just don't go from 0 to 8 in no time. If you do it for recreational purposes and take really large doses, like 100mg, then enjoy your nasty side effects, junkie.

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2021-10-17 16:20 (ссылка)
No, it is written there that the dose is exactly 1mg, but on skin, not sublingual.

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