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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-17 07:47:00

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Настроение: happy
Entry tags:transitioning

Daily Redpill
17.10.2021 8:00: 5mg Cyproterone; 1mg Estradiol sublingually

I keep taking 1mg in the morning, and 1mg before going to sleep.

Anyway, yesterday I bought "zalmfilet zonder huid", and ate half of it, before noticing that it is, well, raw, and not the usual norway salted one. So I salted and peppered it, and ate. I should have fried it instead, but since I already ate half, it was too much to bother.

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2021-10-17 16:25 (ссылка)
Modern medicine allows transplanting a womb already.

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2021-10-18 00:58 (ссылка)
yes, but that technology is developed for otherwise healthy biological women who can conceive and give birth to the children; not for brainwashed male idiots taking random medications.

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2021-10-18 12:20 (ссылка)
Theoretically nothing prevents developing this tech to the level when it could allow even a large enough dog to give birth to a human baby. The future is gender-less and species-less. It is pure.

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2021-10-18 12:57 (ссылка)
>nothing prevents developing this tech to the level when it could allow even a large enough dog to give birth to a human baby

There is absolutely no need to make dogs capable of giving birth to human babies, whatsoever. Women do the job just fine. Nobody's willing to allocate resources or time.

>The future is gender-less and species-less. It is pure.

A dumb frustrated idiot taking random medication is trying to claim the future.

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2021-10-18 13:12 (ссылка)
>There is absolutely no need to make dogs capable of giving birth to human babies, whatsoever.

Are you deciding for dogs what they need or don't?
Maybe a dog owner loves his dog so much, there is desire to have a baby with said dog.

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2021-10-18 14:58 (ссылка)
I give no shit about all that crap of yours, and nobody does.

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