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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-19 09:56:00

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Настроение: anxious
Entry tags:transitioning

Blood Tests
Got my blood tests. There was this typical Russian guy in the waiting room, and the doctor was checking him. She said he needs to drink less vodka, because he is in the terminal alcoholism stage already. They guy is really pushy, and kept addressing me in Russian, even after I said to him in loud and clear tone "Vybachte! Ni razmolvlyayu katsapskoi"

Anyway, the doctor printed me the blood test results, but refused to prescribe the cheap pharmacy meds, telling me that "I'm afraid something will happen to you." Hope there is no fear if I take pharmacy personnel hostage with a machete or an axe, and demand them to sell me estrogen and testosterone blocker, you know, in the "you have two options today: either the cops will be investigating a robbery here or your murder." I have little to lose. I was crazy enough to burn the Russian flag at Red Square. I'm not afraid of death for some time already. So God help these transphobes, when I run out of the money to buy the expensive hormones from the streets and get mental break out.

Surprisingly they have prescribed the hormones to another tranny from Russia. And she hinted me that I just don't know how to talk with people and make them relate. Well, I will tell you this: it is the people who don't know how to talk to me and relate. I'm not to be expected to have good social skills, since I'm an introverted person with a ton of mental and legal issues.

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2021-10-19 15:15 (ссылка)
>And she hinted me that I just don't know how to talk with people and make them relate. Well, I will tell you this: it is the people who don't know how to talk to me and relate.

Dit is grootheidswaanzin!

Delusions of Grandeur, classical case of.

You're just a nutty hamster killer and pseudo-dissident, trying to escape your own madness by provoking people into a conflict every time it comes to your correct behavior in a civilized society.


2021-10-19 17:22 (ссылка)
> "Vybachte! Ni razmolvlyayu katsapskoi"
well done


2021-10-20 08:38 (ссылка)
You are not introvert, you are mentally deranged (c) JrEg
