nancygold's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in nancygold's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, January 31st, 2025
    10:54 pm
    The art catanas made of Japanese raccoon dog hair

    So cute compared to your Russian pigdog Sable.

    Should I get one?

    Current Mood: curious
    1:33 am
    Apparently one can use Hitachi Magic Wand as a solution mixer

    Usually professional shake mixers are a bit expensive, and even with mixing balls one has to shake the bottle a lot.
    So vibrator comes in as one of the more useful purchases.

    Current Mood: amused
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
    10:14 pm
    Painting Minis
    Since HoMM3 comes with a ton of minis for each faction,
    I do need to paint them, like it is some Wharhammer 40k.
    Basically the real life version of physical painting,
    which appeared in 80ies.
    Several other autistic trans and cis girls do that.

    I do have pixelart and 3d rendering skills,
    so I know most of the basic.
    Therefore I just got a bunch of cheap acrylics.
    From the local Action store (European Wallmart).
    And the gesso to go with them.
    As a test subject I bought a few rubber turtles.
    Since I don't want to ruin HoMM3 models.

    I quickly found is that gesso fails priming plastic.
    Or anything beside usual painting canvas or wood.
    I still tried applying it and it failed.
    The car paint primer worked much better,
    but it heavily ruined finer details.

    Normal acrylics have zero coverage.
    And don't adhere to plastic.
    The cheapest synthetic brush is near useless too.
    It couldn't hold any paint
    and came ruined (curved) out of the box.
    The store also had no size 0 and size 1 brushes,
    which are required to pain minis properly.
    Size 0 brush is mandatory for things like eyes.

    I still manged to paint a turtle with it.
    But attempt at painting Yu-gi-oh minis failed.
    Although my repaint still looked better
    than what the chinks factory painted.
    Unfortunately the turtle figure went missing.
    Either somebody thrown it out or a client took it.
    So only a photo remained.

    So I got a set of proper D&D/Warhammer paints.
    These are super expensive.
    Yet they come preselected for mindless painting.
    Like working with a standard pixelart palette.
    It just works.
    Traditionally artists mixed their own paints,
    since there were none.

    I should have bought pre-shaded HoMM3 version,
    because proper shading requires airbrush,
    which costs like 200 euro.
    And airbrush makes lightsource shading easy:

    One can simulate the airbrush with drybrush,
    but the results will be inferior.
    Then again, some people like it better.
    And other believe smooth shades ruin art.
    Especially that pixelart feel of minis.

    Next I will try to paint the included minis.
    They come as the usual Warhammer minis,
    so need assembling first.
    Like it is some WW2 T34 tank model.
    And DHL deliver broke one of the model inside.
    Guess fixing it is part of the experience.

    After that I will get that Minsk and Boo set.
    Since I'm a huge fan of Baldur's Gate.

    Hopefully it will improve my autism skill a bit.


    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Zircon - Shodan (Mellow Sonic Remix)
    Wednesday, December 25th, 2024
    10:35 am
    Why I dislike MMORPGs
    Somehow MMORPGs, like WoW and Runescape, never endeared me.
    That comes from the glorified chat nature of these games,
    dressed as theme parks with superficial repetitive chore tasks,
    and a few underwhelming virtual achievements,
    which allow players to boast and feel accomplished,
    that they are some 99lv paladin.

    One can get actual achievements and drama there,
    but these involve hacking the protocol and do something funny,
    or a bit of social engineering leading to drama.

    Think visiting Disneyland, but they offer you to scrub toilets,
    and chat with low IQ underages, instead of a roller-coaster ride.
    And the only fun thing one can do there is sticking around posters,
    warning of Disneyland employees who are pedophiles.

    I'm still puzzled how these games never evolved into proper ad platforms.

    So yeah, still no desire to play WoW, even if I get paid for that.
    Really, it is better to start doing drugs or, well, study math.

    Current Music: Nakazawa Takehito - Twins Elaine and Diana
    Sunday, December 1st, 2024
    10:14 am
    "Killing Hamsters"
    People love to accuse me that I burned a hamster.
    But they don't really know what led to that.
    Back then I tried to date cis girls.
    The chats progressed in super awkward ways.

    I tried to talk with one about home animals.
    I clearly remember how she said then:
    "Hamsters are cute, you're not."
    That was a big revelation for me.
    Something autistic me couldn't grasp before.

    So I confirmed that by asking others if
    the hamsters are cuter than me.
    And why they are cute.
    That kinda helped me to understand.
    Why everything around me evolves into hostility.

    But if I'm not allowed to be cute why should others be?
    At that point I felt hatred and envy towards hamsters.
    So I murdered one brutally and posted a video to imageboard.
    I haven't visited any other place than imageboards.
    Since alternate places don't welcome my personality.

    Should an ugly person feel remorse for ruining something beautiful?
    Does the humanity feel remorse for making me creepy and ugly?
    Why should I?

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Takeshi Seyama - Kibou to Yochou
    Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
    7:23 pm
    Strategy of the Year?
    Apparently a proper Master of Magic clone to define 2020ies.
    And has really solid art direction, compared to similar crap.
    A remake of the 2009 game, which I somehow didn't knew about.
    Needs human players to play, since it is too complex for AI.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: The Birthday Massacre - Fascination
    Monday, October 28th, 2024
    2:56 pm
    The most sold progressive rock album ever
    No. It is not your shitfloyd and or shitterson-shit-shiter.
    The most sold one is the Final Fantasy VII OST.

    BTW, in the remake they completely change the game mechanics.
    Yet the soundtrack was left intact, beside being performed by orchestra:

    It is okay, but I would have changed it into thai rap.
    Or something else completely inappropriate.
    Like say licensing the Tsoy and Letov songs.
    Just to make the dumb chuds angry.

    Current Mood: amused
    Sunday, October 27th, 2024
    4:06 pm
    German D&D Clone
    Uber alles actually carbon copied the jewish D&D and even made a few PC games based of it.

    Feels really bootlegy and broken though.
    The graphics is especially muddy and blurry.
    But well, at least no "woke" zoophilia!!!

    Doubt you can even find a single black character in these games.
    Germs haven't even bothered to do basic gamma correction.
    Which is fucking necessary when you modify the compressed RGB.
    Now you know how they lost WW2.

    Current Mood: amused
    Saturday, October 26th, 2024
    1:45 pm
    New Tower Defense Puzzle
    Goal: help the crossdressing president Zelensky desert Ukraine,
    while avoiding the Russian soldiers scavenging the territory for vodka.
    Instead of giving orders, player places or removes obstacles.
    Basically a turnbased Populous.

    Current Mood: amused
    Sunday, October 20th, 2024
    7:21 pm
    RTS Games
    I don't really like the RTS games.
    The one exception is Kohan II.
    Reason: it has no micromanagement.

    The player can't even control individual units.
    Only squads of 7 characters led by a HoMM style hero.
    Instead of base building, player had cities,
    which were developed just like the HoMM cities.
    Player could also built new cities.

    The first Kohan was too bland and broken.
    But the second polished the formula, fixing most of the issues.

    Despite being the realtime HoMM, it missed the HoMM's vibe.
    Since the map exploration was not that important.
    And the map design was horrendously bad.

    Apparently I'm the only one liking it.
    Since Kohan games haven't still made it to GoG.
    Russian virus ridden piracy is the only way.
    Then again GoG ceased publishing classic games.
    Can't even find the Spellcraft there.

    In fact GoG now push exclusively the goyslop like
    "Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed for only $59.99"
    And all the Steam tier indie trash.

    Current Mood: amused
    Saturday, October 19th, 2024
    5:58 pm

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, October 10th, 2024
    1:39 am
    The Diablo games
    Diablo 4 does have nice graphics, pay to win store, persistent mmorpg world and insultingly gamified presentation.

    It is missing just two things: something which works together as a compelling game and has a cute Pulp Fiction reference:

    And to answer the decades long question: Diablo is not roguelike. It is missing the core element of roguelikes: large number of unidentified items which player uses out of desperation. For a game to be roguelike, it doesn't even need monsters or randomly generated dungeons. Just the items. Found randomly and player having to use them, facing the unexpected consequences. The core rogue-like loop: get items, use them and deal with the results. To my knowledge from the mainstream games only the ToeJam & Earl is roguelike. Notably it doesn't have combat.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto - Recovery
    Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
    11:54 pm
    Tried Songs of Conquest
    Songs of Conquest is a dumbed down clone of the Heroes of Might & Magic 3 (HoMM3), but with more emphasis on combat and tactics. It has an idiotic magic system that would feel at home in some JRPG about collecting pokemons. There is no sea travel or teleporters or world maps spells (cant blame them since these are rather complex features, breaking a-star pathfinder). Mixing factions is impossible either, outside of multiplayer. The single player campaigns are overloaded with scripting and triggers, making them super annoying to play.

    The game has no town screen. Instead it has separate adventure map buildings similar to Lords of Magic. And just like in LoM the buildings can be razed by enemy. The number of buildings is strictly limited, so if you need a marketplace to purchase resources for new structure, you will have to raze some building, build marketplace, purchase resources, raze marketplace and build the building you actually want. Some buildings require temporary support buildings during their construction (say stone quarry), but after the construction these can be safely razed and replaced with actually useful buildings. Large part of game consists of this rather complex micromanagement.

    There is no magic guild in these cities, the spells, heroes can cast, are determined by the creatures they have in the army. But there are magic skills, which can be upgraded every level. Some spells are categorized under a single school, while others require skills in different schools and a matching creature composition. The system feels needlessly convoluted.

    The number of stacks in army is limited by hero's skill, while the number of creatures per stack is limited by the city upgrades. Such system favors ditching weaker creatures in favor of stronger ones, especially since all the weaker creature dwelling occupy land lots which can be instead used for money making.

    Just like in HoMM3, the units can't move separately from a hero, so you will need a special collect and carry hero. Similarly, the heroes can't participate in combat and cant be combined in a single party, which means player has to maintain a single universal hero, which will consume all experience. Unlike HoMM3 the resource system is completely broken: all factions need all resources.

    Generally the game feels shoddily designed, where at first interesting ideas got botched implementation. And the only redeeming feature is the nice pixelart graphics. But the adventure map graphics is rather unreadable, and absence of obvious grid combined with a tilted blurry 3d camera makes it hard to see where character can move. That is additionally exacerbated by invisible walls. I do appreciate limiting the stack number and creatures per stack, but these could have been implemented without incentivizing dropping weaker units. But there are far worse HoMM3 clones, especially that Native Linux support gay furry one:

    Have to be honest, the game is just not for me, since I'm a fan of Master of Magic and HoMM4. The later allowed for strategies like hiring a thief (a hero which can go behind the guarding monsters stealing everything), leveling it up to field-marshal, while at the same time leveling up a necromancer to raise vampires, and then joining the heroes somewhere in the mid-game. HoMM4 also had cool mage duels, reminiscent of D&D, although these happened only in multiplayer, since the AI was not capable of using spells properly or even using the potions of immortality (the game design device which made heroes viable in combat even with the stacks of thousands).

    TLDR: just play HoMM4 with the equilibris mod.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Friday, September 6th, 2024
    8:23 pm
    In the good video games player can kill children and their parents too!
    I generally dislike action games, but the Deception series is an exception.

    Current Mood: amused
    Friday, August 30th, 2024
    6:22 pm
    Master of Monsters 2 ROM
    Long time ago I was searching it, but nowadays is is on

    MoM is the game Linux thieves cloned into Wesnoth without much changes.

    Surprisingly no LP of it o Youtube, and I'm too lazy to LP myself, and have huge backlog.
    Maybe this winter I will continue LPing obscure shit and studying Japanese (much better than Dutch).

    Also an Ultima 6 style RPG with dynamic story generation:

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music:
    Tuesday, May 7th, 2024
    9:17 pm

    Current Mood: amused
    Saturday, September 16th, 2023
    6:46 pm
    Nancy survives through the early build of the Russian HoMM3 clone

    Also, the video got flagged for copyright due to Russians stealing music from Braveheart (not my fav movie).
    'Sons of Scotland' [Braveheart - Original Sound Track]
    Mel Gibson, Eric Rigler, London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner
    Content found during: 1:38 - 2:30

    Current Mood: amused
    Saturday, September 9th, 2023
    8:13 pm
    Nancy becomes an archeologist in early Assassin's Creed wannabe

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, September 7th, 2023
    6:24 pm
    Nancy learns a few more British words, playing the Legend of Kyrandia and Resident Evil mix

    Current Mood: amused
    Wednesday, September 6th, 2023
    11:45 pm
    Nancy found a hidden isometric gem of an adventure game

    Current Mood: amused
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