nancygold's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in nancygold's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, November 28th, 2024
    1:57 pm
    Homosexuality is the foundation for the male hierarchy
    Remember kids: girls don't form hierarchies and dislike competition. Only the males enter dick-measuring contests.

    A woman doesn't need to be the very best.
    She just needs to be cute and wholesome.

    Current Mood: amused
    11:44 am
    Just think about it: for the third year in a row Russian and Ukrainian soldiers will be celebrating Thanksgiving not with their families but in trenches.

    Current Mood: amused
    Saturday, November 23rd, 2024
    11:14 am
    Taras upon learning of Russian plan to nuke Kyiv
    NATO military advisers are behind lol.

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, November 18th, 2024
    12:47 pm
    How do I report these ухилянты to ТЦК?

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Powerglove - Gotta Catch 'em All
    Friday, November 15th, 2024
    11:51 am
    Humanity needs a perpetual bydlocide
    So what is wrong with bydlo killing each other?
    Don't you want clean benches in both Russia and Ukraine?
    BTW, local Arabs too do the slav-sit on benches.
    "Not sending their best." (tm)

    Just make this war permanent! No reason to stop it.
    Humanity needs it as a garbage incinerator.
    And another in shittle east, between some iran and iraq.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Thursday, November 14th, 2024
    1:40 pm
    It is "Potassium", you dumb savage!
    Oppose the Islamic and the Russian barbarians - use the civilized names for the chemical elements.

    Current Mood: amused
    Friday, November 8th, 2024
    11:35 am

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, November 7th, 2024
    11:23 pm
    One trans girl reminded me that Space Movie 1992 has a geopolitical line...

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Jamie McMenamy - Ivlis Caverns
    Sunday, November 3rd, 2024
    8:50 pm
    Z for Zeitgeist
    People regularly accuse me of being pro-Russian.
    So do I support Russia and why do I support Russia?

    First of all, we need to define the term "Russia."
    Usually country names refer to a set of territories.
    What makes a territory into a country?

    Of course the elites who hold it together.
    The elites enforce the existence of the country.
    So when I say "Russia" I mean Vladimir Putin's elites.
    These people hold together the territories forming Russia.
    That out of the way, lets proceed to my case.

    Striving to be a rational agent, I support what is good for me.
    Is Russia good for me personally?
    I'm a refugee claiming asylum in Netherlands.
    My asylum is on the grounds that Russia is unsafe.
    If Russia disappears as it is, I will lose this right.
    That will launch the procedure of repatriating me.
    To the territory, inhabited by the rabid finno-ogres.
    That will only lead to my demise.

    So I support Russia, since while Russia exists I exist.
    The victory of Russia in Ukraine will mean strengthening of Russia.
    Here again when I say "Russia" I mean Putin's ruling elites.
    I don't mean the subhuman beasts populating the territories.

    Further, Russia now cleanses the high testosterone men.
    Under the pretense of war.
    High testosterone men are dangerous for me.
    So it is rational to support their cleansing.

    Now, support can be financial or informational.
    I don't produce any income for Russia.
    But I must do my best to support the Russian informational war.
    Since the victory of Russia is my victory.

    Am I doing my best? - that should be the question.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    12:51 pm
    Time to die, oinkers
    Europe began deporting the cockhole cannon fodder:
    "Как пишет Neue Zürcher Zeitung в своем выпуске от четверга 31 октября 2024 года, высылка трех украинских граждан стала первой с начала агрессии России против Украины в феврале 2022 года акцией такого рода. Не исключено, что теперь эти люди могут быть призваны на военную службу.

    По швейцарским нормам такая высылка законна только в том случае, если депортированному человеку не грозят на родине нарушение его прав и свобод, пытки или смертная казнь. В этом контексте служба в армии не является препятствием для депортации."

    "Оставят на своей территории только самые высококвалифицированные кадры, а остальных украинцев под разными предлогами будут выдавать Киеву. И я бы подчеркнул, что это усиливающийся тренд не только Восточной Европы. Это процесс, который затронет Европу от Латвии до самой Португалии"

    As they say, "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots..."

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto - GO FOR A GALLOP
    Saturday, November 2nd, 2024
    11:17 am
    Alt-rights attack one of a few trans girls working in gamedev
    Only because she is trans:

    The right-wing argument: sexual exploitation grooming children who play games, whose devteam had a trans person.

    And then they accuse us of doing prostitution because we can't find any work.

    "Children are visiting this store, and you have trans working as a cashier!!!1"

    Our only hope is WW3, which will conscript the right-wingers on all sides and make them kill each other.
    Just like in their violent video games.

    That is BTW why I always put WW3 nears transitioning.
    We need this cleansing war, where all real men will purged once more.
    It will also solve the overpopulation problem, caused by conservative values.
    Only then we can hope seeing peaceful and sustainable development.

    Current Mood: sad
    Friday, November 1st, 2024
    1:20 pm
    I wasn't me! I swear!!111

    it wasn't me!! I swear!

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, October 24th, 2024
    11:09 am
    Anon points Linus Torvalds' anti-Russian sentiments
    "I'm Finnish. Did you think I'd be *supporting* Russian
    aggression? Apparently it's not just lack of real news, it's lack of
    history knowledge too."

    Why I'm not a russophobe anymore?
    Because russophobia became too mainstream.

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, October 17th, 2024
    1:24 pm
    How Ukraine Works
    Ukrainian government loves to do the transgender hormonal and surgical gatekeeping, stating that it is harmful to health, yet when it comes to involuntarily drafting people into military and sending to a suicide mission, Ukrainian government suddenly forgets about the health. Ukraine is one huge hypocrisy, a nation formed on lies and deception.

    Also, sovereignty, freedom, and self-determination are the core pillars of the rabid nationalism aka nazism, which impedes the humanity's unification and progress. Any nation should bow to the empire, and any weaker empire should surrender to the superior empire. So Putin is completely right when he calls Ukrainians nazis.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Wednesday, October 16th, 2024
    11:44 am
    How Russians botch western games and troll everyone
    So originally there was a Japanese game called Ogre Battle.
    Its author Yasumi Matsuno later made Final Fantasy Tactics.
    Matsuno is like the Kojima of Japanese fantasy strategies.
    His latest game Unsung Story uses a non-uniform grid.

    In 1993 Matsuno apparently saw Civilization.
    So he pushed out a dumbed down fantasy version.
    It had a continuous pausable-real time world map.
    And turn-based autoplaying combat, where
    Player controlled the composition and formation,
    And could use a special card if they had one.

    Squads were limited by 5 units.
    One of these was a hero.
    Some powerful units took 2 spaces.

    Units could evolve along the branching paths.
    That frequently required consumable items.
    Players couldn't develop cities or train units.
    New units gained by capturing cities.
    Or through random events,
    which happened on entering specific biomes.
    Cities gave income which was used to deploy units.

    The idea was cool but the execution was flawed.
    Coming up with a compelling idea is easy.
    Hard is polishing it into something fun.
    So this style of Civilization clone lay dormant.
    Until 1999 when westerners remade it as Disciples.

    Disciples shuffled the formula a bit.
    The world map was made turn-based.
    There was a Lord Monarch style land marking mechanics,
    and a ton of world map a spells,
    which moved the game closer to Master of Magic.
    But core 5 character squad mechanics remained.
    Although unit advancement was limited by city development.
    Players couldn't lose or fully defeat the enemies.
    Since main cities were defended by almost unbeatable units.
    The game had a lot of such gimmicks.
    But everyone loved it for its unique artstyle.

    After the Disciples II (which only polished the concept),
    The studio which made Disciples got disbanded,
    and the talented people moved to make nigger goyslop
    for Electronic Arts and Ubisoft,
    shittin trash like Assassin Creed and Army of Two.

    As an insult the Disciples license was given to Russians.
    The infamous Krapella was responsible for what was to come.
    Knowing no better, Russians made a subpar HoMM3 clone.
    The art was now full gzhel matryoshka.
    Of course with a ton of birch trees and a T34 easter egg.
    Slapped Disciples III on top and released,
    with a Warcraft III style logo on top of a badly drawn woman.

    That was not well received by anyone but other Russians.
    Now even the HoMM3 fans were happy to eat this shit.

    Anyway, recently the Japanese made Unicorn Overlord,
    which clones Ogre Battle, while fixing its issue.
    But I hope everyone will remember the Russian invasion.

    Still the question remains, what happened to the woman's right hand?!!

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
    7:40 pm
    het gehakt / фарш
    Фарш фарш фарш
    Русский фарш, собираем на фарш
    Всех, непередушенных кишкой
    Фарш фарш фарш
    Русский фарш, он закончит шарж
    Энжой финно-огр бухой

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, October 14th, 2024
    6:38 pm
    Everyone is Selfish and Racist
    Consider this, you live in the Donbass region.
    Putin hired some African cutthroats to do his war.
    These underpaid black men want to murder and rob you.
    If you oppose them then you're selfish and racist.
    Because you deny the black man what he wants.
    You can only pretend you're non selfish.
    Before ending up on the contested territory.
    During war you're either selfish or suicidal.
    Be non-selfish - kill yourself.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Friday, October 4th, 2024
    3:59 pm
    What to support
    >А ты защищаешь Израильский терроризм и геноцид, соответственно? Расскажи почему ты это делаешь?

    Human beings are profit driven agents.
    So profit motive is deciding in what to support.
    The existence of the Iranian nation doesn't bring me profit.
    At best Iran is just an information noise for me.

    So if all Iranians die, I will have more mental resources.
    But Iran also hosts a lot of natural resources.
    If Iran falls, these resources will be extracted for cheap.
    Meaning cheaper and better life in Netherlands.
    That includes easier access to SRS.

    Existence of countries like Iran requires West to maintain military.
    Dutch government is incentivized to do transgender gatekeeping.
    If only to have larger military reserves.
    West also has to spend significant money on defense industry.
    Any money spent on national defense is the money not spent on improving humanity.
    That includes slowing down the development of artificial organs, like wombs,
    If Iranians die, there will be less need to waste the resources.

    Generally, you always ask "is it good for me personally?"
    Is the progress of humanity good for me?

    So of course I support the complete genocide of the Iranian evildoers.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
    11:57 pm
    Why so many Russian bots defend the Iranian terrorism?
    Can't Russians create authentic middle eastern bots?
    Why reuse the Russian accounts?
    All the antichat spammers left Russia?
    Feels like Lavrov now manually spams the Internet.

    Current Mood: amused
    10:19 pm
    Mater of Magic Remake
    Russians form "Муха" software were trusted with making a MoM remake.
    The end result was so bland, nobody noticed it.
    Including me.. until now.
    Gone are the cute pixelart graphics and the lovely music.
    The art direction is so uninspiring even AI can do better.
    The game mechanics got even more broken, and in a bad way.

    But Russians added some crap, like the tech faction.
    And they changed map topology to a hex cells.
    That somehow works and looks worse than the original squares.

    So yeah, the best MoM remake (beside Age of Wonders) is still Civizard.
    Surprisingly it remains untranslated.
    But that is exactly the game one would be playing on a Nintendo Switch.
    Especially with some HD 2D treatment.

    Current Mood: sad
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