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@ 2019-08-21 16:08:00

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не знал кстати про этот эпизод, интересно

ON APRIL 22, 1969, SHORTLY AFTER BEGINNING a lecture in his course on dialectical thought before an audience of nearly one thousand students at the University of Frankfurt, the eminent Frankfurt School sociologist and Marxist cultural critic Theodor W. Adorno found himself in an unusual situation. A student in one of the back rows interrupted him, demanding that he engage in "self-criticism." Another student silently walked up to the blackboard and wrote the following words: "He who only allows dear Adorno to rule will uphold capitalism his entire life." After Adorno told the class that they would have five minutes to decide if his lecture should continue, three female students dressed in leather jackets rushed the podium. They showered him with roses and tulips, exposed their breasts, and tried repeatedly to kiss him. Incensed and humiliated, Adorno stormed out of the lecture hall.

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2019-08-21 22:06 (ссылка)
он кстати очень переживал из-за этого, отменил семинар, поехал в швейцарию поправлять здоровье и умер через несколько месяцев от сердечного приступа.

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2019-08-21 22:07 (ссылка)
After further disruptions to his lectures, Adorno canceled the lectures for the rest of the seminar, continuing only with his philosophy seminar. In the summer of 1969, weary from these activities, Adorno returned once again to Zermatt, Switzerland, at the foot of Matterhorn to restore his strength. On August 6 he died of a heart attack.

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Мы все ему завидуем
2019-08-21 22:36 (ссылка)
Femi-nazis killed Teddy!

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установить диктатуру языка над пиздой!
2019-08-22 15:25 (ссылка)
ну и лох
а мог бы отлизать им писечки и совершить таким образом сексуальную революцию в отдельно взятой аудитории

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2019-08-22 19:15 (ссылка)

профессор Годар смотрит на него как на букашку


The Smutty Professor: Uni lecturer’s secret life as a porn star

EXCLUSIVE: Chemistry lecturer’s a lecher

A UNIVERSITY professor aged 61 is leading a double life as a porn star.

Divorced dad-of-three Nicholas Goddard has taught chemical engineering for almost 25 years.

But for the last decade he has also been starring as Old Nick in dozens of X-rated flicks.

The Oxford-educated prof wears just a gold watch to romp with girls more than 40 years his junior.

The videos, with titles such as Teen Monique F**** Old Nick, have racked up over million hits on the world’s biggest adult site, PornHub.

One viewer said: “Fair play. I would not have lasted as long.” Another added: “Goddamn… he must be rich.”

Many of his co-stars are blonde Europeans. He drives a £35,000 Audi A6 and lives in a new-build terraced home in an area popular with his University of Manchester students.

A source said: “He’s a very pleasant and quite nerdy scientist, at the top of his game in the professional world. But no one knew he was hooking up with scores of young women on weekends.

“It’s not exactly a smart move to be teaching 18-year-olds by day and having sex with others at night.

“Some students will think he’s a hero and has the dream hobby, but the university will be furious.”

Prof Goddard has published scores of scientific papers over his 35-year career and is lead tutor on three courses. University videos also feature him lecturing to students.

When his secret was reported to The Sun, he said: “There is such hypocrisy with people watching porn then complaining about those who act in it.

“Why would students and staff be happy to watch it, but unhappy when they see who stars in them?

“Especially as I know that on evenings and weekends, 75 per cent of web traffic on the university’s server is accessing porn.”

He said he got into the films to relieve the stress of his divorce. His family are unaware of the sideline.

Prof Goddard said: “I don’t get paid much, mainly travel expenses.

“Sometimes you do things that you regret later while under stress. But I’ve given it up since January, it’s too much for me now. What I do in my private life is my business not the university’s. I haven’t told anyone there.

“I don’t know what students or their parents would think but I for one certainly wouldn’t care if my children were being taught by a porn star.”

The university last night said it is investigating.

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2019-09-20 12:27 (ссылка)
Blyat', zhutko emu zaviduyu. Dazhe stydno mne ot etogo..

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