Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich |
[Mar. 28th, 2024|01:18 am] |
Comments: |
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | March 28th, 2024 - 05:20 pm |
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LS gives an example of a non-reversible law of motion based on A's belief that force causes motion that ceases when the force ceases, i.e. F=mv. He says "Aristotle didn't call it Force because he was [inaudible]". "How do say force in Greek by the way?" Audience:"DI-NA-MIS". Susskind "I don't understand, I'll call it F anyway".
Fan fact:If there is a single particle in 1d space, then according to Aristotle it should be a prime mover, and it's velocity is zero.
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | March 28th, 2024 - 06:10 pm |
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wtf is a prime mover?
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | March 28th, 2024 - 06:19 pm |
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thanks Video unavailable but I know it: babababaam! bababaam-bam!
aristotel fag, but he was right that fuck reversibility
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