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Бессмысленная равномерность [Apr. 24th, 2024|07:40 pm]
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Date:April 25th, 2024 - 08:19 pm
I have noticed that your username is a reference to the poem by Velemir Khlebnikov (or alternatively to an album by Auktzyon, which is in itself a reference to the same Khlebnikov's poem).
Is Khlebnikov your favourite poet? (He is mine!)
How do you place Khlebnikov theories and approach to the poetic language within the development of the Soviet utopia?
I feel that Khlebnikov is bigger than life, bigger than art kind of visionary and mystic, a lot of his stuff is very pagan and archaic in the core, albeit futuristic, but is completely cosmic utopia, not the utopia of the stuffed soviet corridors of Lubyanka.
I believe he was truly a child of the Silver Age and would have suffocated in the 1920s climate (more probably would have been killed or sent to Gulags by the Chekist bastards).
Date:April 26th, 2024 - 09:12 am
Yes, I like Khlebnikov and AuctYon too.
His experiments with language are very interesting.
In general, structuralism as philosophy trend believed that meanings live in language. It's not suprising that many poets turnd to the magic of languge to create something new. New language => new consepts => new soiety. This also includes Mayakovsky with his poetic stracture and also words-neologisms
Date:April 26th, 2024 - 12:09 pm
Да, Маяковский хороший