Пес Ебленский - Теорема о сопряженных воспоминаниях [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Теорема о сопряженных воспоминаниях [Jun. 4th, 2024|08:10 pm]
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Date:June 5th, 2024 - 05:02 am
>А на самом деле, и теория категорий, и хроники Амбера, и MK ULTRA — это все разные детали огромной машины по контролю массового сознания! И дальше этих связей будет только больше!

так и есть!
с интересом наблюдаю
Date:June 5th, 2024 - 10:06 am
It's a first step, i think
The second one is creating by Weblen and local confidents a new religious movement based on ufo religion (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO_religion).
In fact, how do we can cope with global occult network without the help of aliens? If we see the earth as a huge exploitation farm where one alien spicies (occult elite) control another one (simple earthlings). Maybe nowadays earthlings are descendents of captchered humanoids from the other planet transfered to the earth as slaves. So occult elite are descendents of guards from the wrecked space ship. So it's understandable why in the most religious methaphysics people find a salvation in the sky: according to Yung these are relict remembrances in collective unconscious... And maybe ‘alien gnome Alyosha’ was a commander of resque mission sent to the earth...
Date:June 5th, 2024 - 10:16 am
I'll be your anal commander. Bring on the Fluggegecheimen!