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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2008-09-26 23:12:00

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Entry tags:it's hard to maintain an election

Get Shorty!
Americans have trouble with long words. So it shouldn't be surprising that my highly scientific analysis of the last 10 presidential elections shows that in 8 7 of 10 the winning ticket was the one where the combined length of the last names of running mates was shorter. The rule is "Whichever ticket has the shorter combined length wins, except for Democrats running with Clinton on a ticket or against Bob Dole, when they win anyway" :)

1968 NixonAgnew HumphreyMuskie
1972 NixonAgnew McGovernShriver
1976* CarterMondale FordDole
1980 ReaganBush CarterMondale
1984 ReaganBush MondaleFerraro
1988 BushQuayle DukakisBentsen
1992** ClintonGore BushQuayle
1996* ** ClintonGore DoleKemp
2000 BushCheney GoreLieberman
2004 BushCheney KerryEdwards
*Bob Dole on the R ticket
**Bill Clinton on the D ticket

Based on that, we can predict that Obama/Biden will win over McCain/Palin.

Update - the 1992 data was incorrect; as a result, the Clinton rule was added...

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2008-09-27 08:03 (ссылка)
It's going to be twice as hard as it was for BushCheney to win over KerryEdwards... but it should work nonetheless

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