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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2010-08-19 12:59:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Ah Cama-Sotz - Dead Cities
Entry tags:post-scarcity, revolution

ever-growing anti-commercial fungus
Рассказ Брюса Стерлинга
про социалистическую революцию, которая произойдет в
результате глобального потепления и отмены копирайта.
Всех банкиров, спаммеров и миллионеров посадят
в исправительные колонии и заставят играть в РПГ,
а вместо денег будет кармодрочерство и лигалайз.

...So, my cellmate Claire was this forty-something career

lobbyist who used to be my boss inside the Beltway. Claire
was full of horror stories about the cruelty of the
socialist regime. Because, in the old days before we got
ourselves arrested, alarmist tales of this kind were
Claire's day-job. Claire peddled political spin to the
LameStream Media to make sure that corporations stayed in
command, so that situations like our present world stayed

Obviously Claire was not that great at this strategy. Me,
I was more of the geek technician in our effort. My job
was to methodically spam and troll the sharing-networks. I
would hack around with them, undermine them, and make
their daily lives difficult. Threaten IP lawsuits. Spread
some Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. Game their reputation
systems. Gold-farm their alternative economies. Engage in
DDOS attacks. Harass the activist ringleaders with
blistering personal insults. The usual.

Claire and I hated the sharing networks, because we
were paid to hate them. We hated all social networks, like
Facebook, because they destroyed the media that we
owned. We certainly hated free software, because it was
like some ever-growing anti-commercial fungus. We hated
search engines and network aggregators, people like Google
-- not because Google was evil, but because they
weren't. We really hated "file-sharers" -- the swarming
pirates who were chewing up the wealth of our commercial

We hated all networks on principle: we even hated power
networks. Wind and solar only sorta worked, and were very
expensive. We despised green power networks because
climate change was a myth. Until the climate actually

Кстати, кармодрочерство (по образцу Слешдота)
вместо денег - популярная идея, есть целый роман
про общество с похожим социальным устройством:
Убедительно выпущенный под Creative Commons, ага.
Автор - Кори Доктороу, знаменитый блоггер и активист

Сильно сомневаюсь, что оно может работать, но в принципе,
лучше бы работало. Кармодроч - механизм тошнотворный,
но основанная на нехватке "экономика" по-любому пакостнее.
Особенно учитывая, что нехватка поддерживается
искусственно, во избежание разрушения экономического
механизма, и чтобы приковать унылых ублюдков к
рабочему месту, где они по 40 часов в неделю
заняты заведомо вредной пакостью и хуйней.

Капитализм (и его артефакты: деньги,
собственность и вся "экономика нехватки" в целом)
есть чудовищный, тошнотворный, унылейший музейный
анахронизм, которому место на ближайшей помойке.
Вместо того, чтобы туда спокойно отправиться, мертвецы
цепляют к живым свои гнилые щупальца, и пропагандой
религиозного мракобесия и невежества добиваются
возвращения цивилизации на 200 лет назад.

По ссылке от [info]twenty, кстати:
"88 процентов жителей Германии высказались за установление
нового экономического порядка, отличного от капитализма,
сообщает Spiegel"



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2010-08-19 19:24 (ссылка)
The George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) is a politically conservative think tank established in 1984 in Washington, D.C. with a focus on scientific issues and public policy. In the 1990s, the Institute was engaged primarily in lobbying in support of the Strategic Defense Initiative.[1]

More recently, the Institute has focused on disputing mainstream scientific opinion on climate change. Funded by ExxonMobil and chaired by a former official of the American Petroleum Institute, the George C. Marshall Institute has been described by the Union of Concerned Scientists as a "clearinghouse for global warming contrarians",[2] and by Newsweek as a "central cog in the denial machine."[3] Historian Naomi Oreskes states that the institute has, in order to resist and delay regulation, lobbied politically to create a false public perception of scientific uncertainty over the negative effects of second-hand smoke, the carcinogenic nature of tobacco smoking, and on the evidence between CFCs and ozone depletion.

Seitz and Singer helped set up institutions such as the Heritage Foundation, Competitive Enterprise Institute and Marshall Institute in the United States. Funded by corporations and conservative foundations, these organizations have opposed many forms of state intervention or regulation of U.S. citizens. In each case the tactics are similar: "discredit the science, disseminate false information, spread confusion, and promote doubt".[4] UK's The Guardian writes:

Oreskes and Conway in this painstakingly assembled but nevertheless riveting piece of investigative reporting [conclude that the] far right in America, in its quest to ensure the perpetuation of the free market, is now hell-bent on destroying the cause of environmentalism. ... Hence ... deliberate misinformation ... has become the hallmark of a group of far-right institutions that are funded by businesses and conservative foundations and supported by a coterie of rightwing scientists who believe ecological threats are made up by lefty researchers as part of a grand plan to expand government control over our lives. ... When not funded by the tobacco industry, many of these outfits often receive backing from fossil-fuel companies such as Exxon. ... In each case, experts offered briefings to journalists and politicians and their claims were accepted, with little qualification, by an acquiescent media happy to establish the idea that there were real divisions among mainstream scientists where none actually existed.

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