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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2012-11-12 00:38:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Crystal Castles - CRIMEWAVE
Entry tags:anti-russia, censorship

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Дата основания для внесения в реестр	04.11.2012
Номер основания для внесения в реестр	2/1/16417
Орган, принявший решение о внесении в реестр	ФСКН
Дата внесения в реестр	11.11.2012 
Ненавижу сраных ублюдков.

Эта страна говно.


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2012-11-12 05:23 (ссылка)
Вот кстати по радио сегодня объявили

A global row has broken out over who should control and profit from the internet, after a draft proposal by a United Nations body was published online.

The little-known UN body, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), is pushing to regulate the internet, and has suggested a range of reforms which would potentially stifle free speech and make users pay extra to use things like Skype and email.

Sharan Burrow from the International Trade Union Confederation has written to UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon urging him to stop the proposals from going ahead.

"Frankly a group of countries you wouldn't trust with democratic freedoms or political freedoms - China, Egypt, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia and others - [are] proposing internet restrictions," she said.


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