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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2016-08-14 10:54:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Pink Floyd - Mauerspechte
Entry tags:.uk, feminism, left

мракобесие и социальный консерватизм
По ссылке от [info]array, хорошее
про "левых", которые в 2010-е заняли место "правых" и
заняты традиционной для "правых" борьбой за моральные
ценности и цензуру.

Это, кстати, и неудивительно: вот, например, в Глазго
любой стриптиз, лап-дансинг и все такое запрещено, а
голосуют жители исключительно за лейбор. Потому что
"рабочие", а "рабочие" - класс целиком консервативный,
и катастрофически теряющий значение, потому что рабочих
вытесняют роботы. Таковы же рабочие и крестьяне и по всему
миру: граждане с сугубо реакционными и мракобесными взглядами,
мечтающие остановить технический и социальный прогресс,
требующие цензуры и клерикализма. В той же Англии
лейбористы и газета Guardian -- основные активисты
цензуры, борьбы с техническим прогрессом и за традиционные
ценности, потому что традиционная социальная база
лейбора - рабочие кварталы, заселенные пенсионерами,
топящими за мракобесие и социальный консерватизм.

...In place of attacking the "permissive society", or

lamenting the decline in family values, these activists
were armed with feminist battle-cries, and were more
likely to be seen reading the liberal Guardian than the
right-wing Daily Mail.

A new social conservatism had been born for the new
millennium, and this time it was rooted in the political
left, rather than the right.

Object, a "feminist human rights" organisation, was a
protagonist in the anti-striptease campaign, which they
named Stripping The Illusion. Strippers were bemused to
find themselves labelled, in the words of one, "as being
victims, and on the other hand, evil women who were the
cause of rape and abuse."

Object, and similar feminist organisations such as UK
Feminista, rolled out a series of anti-sex campaigns, of
which Stripping the Illusion was but the first. Each cause
was loyally supported by the Guardian, by voices from the
Labour and Green parties, by trade unionists, and others
that I had previously considered part of my progressive

From strip clubs, they turned their attention to attacking
online pornography, tried to persuade supermarkets to stop
selling lads' mags, and then campaigned for the censorship
of "sexualised" music videos, before turning their
attention to the pressing goal of removing breasts from
Page 3 of The Sun.

Likewise, the old anti-prostitution movement was
reinvigorated by a flood of new, feminist and left-wing
campaigners under the End Demand banner. The old,
censorious attitudes of the religious right had been
adopted, intact, by the new left.

The anti-sex movement was just the start. The new left's
war on free expression has expanded to attack non-sexual
expression too, on the basis that it might be hateful,
'triggering', or even merely offensive.


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2016-08-14 21:52 (ссылка)

>А я не включала гейш в описываемую секс-индустрию.

...Then there is reference to mizuage, the practice of wealthy men attempting to outbid each other to deflower their favourite geisha and become her sole patron, or danna...



With the mizuage, or ceremonial deflowering, a maiko would finally metamorphose into a geisha. The okasan, again, would choose a suitable mizuage patron for the maiko - usually an older man who could pay for the privilege. Mizuage was sometimes an elaborate process, spread over 7 days, when the patron would open out the passage with his fingers, inch by inch, till the maiko was finally ready for intercourse. He would then divest the girl of her virginity on a night deemed auspicious, and after the event, the maiko could `turn her collar' -- from maiko's red to the white worn by the geisha. Mizuage was not a secret ceremony, and a group of maikos often shared the same mizuage patron. It was something to be celebrated, and the maiko, with her hair done in the ofuku style, would distribute gifts and sweets to her tea house mistresses and teachers.

The next few years were definitely the best time in a geisha's life, when she had a measure of independence and money to splurge on herself. They were not allowed to marry, so they were always on the lookout for a danna. The role of a danna was quite akin to that of a husband and even included a formal union ceremony.

Dannas, like mizuage patrons, were always older men who could afford this status. The union ceremony required a number of expensive gifts to be given to his geisha of choice as well as the okasan, the tea house mistresses etc. He would have to buy a certain number of kimonos for his woman and sponsor her dance and shamisen classes.

Love didn't always come into the picture - for the geisha at least. They didn't expect their dannas to be strapping young men, who would sweep them off their feet. They prayed instead that their dannas were kind and generous, who would, in their later years, provide them with enough money to start a tea house of their own. If a geisha was lucky to have a danna who truly cared for her, he would pay off her debts to the okiya and set her up in a house of her own. Children born out of such union were not considered illegitimate in the geisha districts. They were the norm.

...After only a month as a young and budding Maiko, the house mama --- who had her own ideas about a ritual called ♦ mizuage, and the money that she could realize by this little girl --- allowed the Chairman of the Osaka Stock Exchange to have his way with her in a back room of the Tea House.

Teruha recalled that she felt both fear and shame as she lost her virginity to circumstances far beyond her control, further stating, "....I just learned to give up without resisting. I couldn't get angry nor feel regret. I was not what I had been any more. Unconsciously, I branded myself with an impurity that could never be washed away....."

The practice of Geisha Houses selling off "sex with young virgins" to the highest bidder was nothing new in Japan, the actual age of the Maiko being deflowered --- age 13 in Teruha's case --- depended on the particular Geisha House, or the circumstances of the Maiko.


I was familiar with the image of the Geisha, but what I did not know is that the Geisha is a relatively modern invention. The first woman to use the term was Geisha was a prostitute called Kikuya in 1750. Until then, the role of the chaste performer was performed by teenage dancing girls called odoriko, but the Geisha became more than a dancer: she was also a singer, musician, poet and conversationalist.

But here’s the interesting thing. I can recall seeing pictures and film of modern Geisha walking through the streets in traditional clothes. Except they weren’t Geisha, they were oiran – courtesans. To avoid offending Judeo-Christian sensibilities the narrators called the Oiran Geisha and pretended that she was a highly respected, high-class prostitute.

Geisha were hosts and entertainers and they were often called upon to entertain the guests at a high-class brothel. It was the Oiran who would perform the paid sexual favours.

Both the Geisha and Oiran were considered professions and both had a system of apprenticeship. A modern apprentice Geisha is called a maiko, but in earlier times a young girl would enter her training as young as 5 and begin as a shikomi (servant) then become a minarai (watching apprentice) and finally a maiko at around 13.

Oiran with her Shinzo and Kamuro

Oiran with her Shinzo and Kamuro
A similar system applied to Oiran. A young girl was sold to a brothel at around age 5 where she became a kamuro, the Oiran’s servant. A successful Oiran might have several kamuro who would act as messengers, attendants and maids. When she reached the age of 9-10 she would become a shinzo, an apprentice.

This may seem shocking to the Western mind but the Oiran was considered a worthy and highly skilled profession. It was a way for a poor rural girl to gain wealth and prestige. It must also be understood that the Japanese did not (and do not) find it necessary to hide the reality of sex from children. As a peasant girl she very likely slept in the same bed as her parents as they had sex. Remember, Shinto does not see sex as a moral problem that children need protection from. It is considered a natural part of life. Therefore the Kamuro understood the nature of their future profession and likely witnessed the Oiran at work. It is also highly likely that they experienced some playful sexual teasing at the hands of clients. Again, Japanese children were not excluded from ribald humour or ‘playful’ sexual teasing and I must hasten to add that there seems little evidence that there was ‘serious’ sexual abuse or the type of child prostitution found in 19th century England (or paedophilia as such).

This is where we come to the tradition of mizuage, the initiation into full Geisha or Oiran status. This unambiguously involved a patron paying a considerable sum to take the virginity of the meiko or shinzo, usually around the age of 13-14. In the case of the Geisha this was a one-off event and he was not allowed to continue a sexual relationship.

Again this is often a matter of considerable misunderstanding in the Christian West. The Judeo-Christian concepts of virgin and loosing virginity do not apply. It is unlikely that the apprentice Geisha or Oiran had an intact hymen or that the client expected her to experience pain and to bleed. This seems to be an Abrahamic cruelty imposed to replay the sin of Eve. Certainly the apprentice had been instructed in sexual technique with the Oiran or Geisha onee-san (older sister) awakening the apprentice’s sexuality and stretching her hymen. Nor did the chosen patron necessarily see this as a kind of conquest. In the case of the Geisha he was expected to pay a large enough sum to guarantee her career and secure her livelihood. To be a patron of a Geisha was an honorific and a status symbol, similar to being a patron the Arts. It is also unlikely that the patron would have wanted to try and break in a scared, inexperienced girl. He would have expected some skill and responsiveness, not distress and blood. Indeed, like many in the East, the Japanese saw sex as an art with the Geisha and Oiran being masters of the erotic arts. The patron was more likely to approach the apprentice with reverence and respect, not crude lust.

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2016-08-14 22:08 (ссылка)
Это все охуенно, но какой процент мировой секс-индустрии занимают гейши? А иудоматьеехристианской? Стыдно должно быть!

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2016-08-14 22:35 (ссылка)
>но какой процент мировой секс-индустрии занимают гейши

в неиудохристианской секс-индустрии работа проститутки
вполне респектабельная: есть даже такое явление, как
священная проституция
(практически во всех странах, до их колонизации силами иудо-христианства
весьма почетная)

и не только священная, но и вполне себе капиталистическая тоже:
в японской секс-индустрии, например, было совершенно нормально,
если родители (миддл-класс) сдают дочь 11-12 лет в высокоранговый
бордель и платят за ее обучение (даже в 1920-е)

что до иудеохристианской, для всех гитлеров мира (от хомейни до
феминисток) секс есть зло и грех, естественно, что проституток низводят
до недочеловеческого положения, о сем см. у Райха

но что между феминистками (не отдельными уебищами вроде Андреи Дворкин,
а движением в целом) и гитлером-хомейни никакой разницы не наблюдается,
а наблюдается целование в десна и полный консенсус - это новое, безусловно

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2016-08-14 22:49 (ссылка)
Так. Миша. Прекратите токование. Разумеется, в этом мире масса различных отношений к сексу. Мы обсуждаем секс-индустрию, о которой мы что-то знаем, ту секс-индустрию, которой феминистки касаются своими грязными лапами. Это секс-индустрия иудео-христианского мира. Гейши, как и священные проститутки, как и черта в ступе, тут просто не при делах.

Что касается феминисток, которые грязными лапами, то вот ни фига. Заслуга феминисток в том, что проституция вообще стала изучаться, в том, что о правах проституток вообще стали говорить - огромна. Это к вопросу об обобщении.

Те же из них, кто хочет все запретить, - ну повторюсь, это психи, которые просто хотят запрещать. Неважно, как они сами себя называют и под какими знаменами выступают - они просто рвутся к власти и контролю, и если не дай бог их получают, сразу начинают запрещать все подряд. Это авторитарные личности, которые меньше всего заботятся о каких-либо ценностях и больше всего о своей власти, а власть они видят только как возможность запрещать. Я не знаю, почему именно из феминизма приходит столько психов (правда, еще вопрос, не приходит ли их еще больше из каких-нибудь других идеологий), но в любом случае психами феминизм не исчерпывается. Например, вот новозеландская тетка-министр хочет отказаться от судов присяжных по rape trials - это очень правильная инициатива, при том что она совершенно феминистская.

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2016-08-14 23:15 (ссылка)
хуйня же опять про дедушку

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2016-08-15 06:56 (ссылка)
все претензии к Райху
но поскольку он непосредственный свидетель, я ему вполне доверяю

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2016-08-15 08:21 (ссылка)
У Тевеляйта занятнее и с картинками а ля

хоть и не очевидец

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2016-08-15 19:59 (ссылка)
райх ебанат, судя по его оргонным прогонам
типа дика там, я не знаю

ну и хуле, 3-м рейхом тоже ебанаты рулили

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