Misha Verbitsky - January 23rd, 2012
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07:40 pm
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Twistor correspondence for hyperkaehler manifolds Кстати, вот сегодняшняя лекция в IPMU
http://db.ipmu.jp/seminar/?seminar_id=621 Twistor correspondence for hyperkaehler manifolds and the space of instantons
Let Tw be a twistor space of hyperkaehler or a quaternionic-Kaehler manifold Q, and B a holomorphic vector bundle which is trivial on the rational curves associated with points of Q. Then B is eqipped with a canonical connection, compatible with a holomorphic structure, and obtained as a pullback of a certain non-Hermitian Yang-Mills bundle on Q. This is used to obtain the following description of the moduli of framed instanton bundles on CP^3. This space is equivalent to a component in the moduli of the rational curves in a twistor space of W, where W is the space of framed instantons on \R^4. http://verbit.ru/MATH/TALKS/Twistor-IPMU.pdf
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Current Mood: tired Current Music: David Bowie - The Axeman Cometh (1971-1973) Tags: japan, math, travel