Misha Verbitsky - July 21st, 2017

July 21st, 2017

July 21st, 2017
04:35 am


Дебаты говна с придурком
я не смотрел и не очень собираюсь,
но судя по вокс попули придурок проиграл по всем фронтам

Ну и хуй с ним тащемта, ему и так и так ничего
не светило по-любому.

И чтоб не только про говно, вот очень хорошие
концерты группы Crash Worship.

Crash Worship - Live 95 (7)
Crash Worship live in 1996 on an abandoned train
bridge over the Kansas River in the Fairfax district
of Kansas City, Kansas
Crash Worship - Lundi Gras in New Orleans, 1993

But oh, those live shows. A Crash Worship concert might

begin with the band entering the venue from the street,
pushing its way through the audience with mobile drum kits
and fire dancers, then assaulting the spectators with
strobe lights, fake (or possibly real) blood, wine,
whipped cream, ice cubes, smoke, green Jello, small
fireworks and god knows what else. Two de facto frontmen,
JXL and Fat Jack Torino, served occasionally as vocalists
but mainly as "audience manipulators," running through the
crowd to hand out little gifts (fruit, hand percussion,
etc.), exhort the wallflowers to get off their asses and
dance, and rub various viscous substances on the
half-naked bodies of any willing (or sometimes unwilling)
participants. People got naked, people got dirty, people
got injured. Mostly, the barriers between audience and
performer broke down to the point where nearly everyone
there felt like they were not so much at a show as
participating in some kind of ancient ritual. "I reverted
to a PRIMAL state," is how one witness described
it. Whether you believe that or not, it's pretty clear
that a Crash Worship show was a totally unique experience.

По ссылке отсюда:


Current Mood: sick
Current Music: Crash Worship - Lundi Gras in New Orleans, 1993
Tags: , ,

04:42 am


целует путлеру ручки
А вот видео про то, как профессиональная говноедка
"правозащитница" "Людмила Алексеева" целует путлеру ручки.
Я всегда, кстати, считал, что она говно, так что не
удивлен. Но сейчас особенно ненавижу.


Current Mood: sick
Current Music: Crash Worship - Lundi Gras in New Orleans, 1993
Tags: , ,

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