Misha Verbitsky - March 29th, 2021

March 29th, 2021

March 29th, 2021
05:57 pm


требуют немедленно ввести цензуру
про слушания в Конгрессе, где демократы требовали от
ФСБука, Гугла и Твиттера введения цензуры по списку ключевых
слов и персоналий, составленных ФБР и госдепом.

Ed Markey of Massachusetts: "The issue isn't that the

companies before us today are taking too many posts
down. The issue is that they're leaving too many dangerous
posts up."

Words cannot convey how chilling and authoritarian this

all is: watching government officials, hour after hour,
demand censorship of political speech and threaten
punishment for failures to obey. As I detailed last month,
the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the state
violates the First Amendment's free speech guarantee when
they coerce private actors to censor for them - exactly
the tyrannical goal to which these hearings are singularly

И до кучи, либеральные журналисты требуют
немедленно ввести цензуру на substack.com
Вообще, цензура Интернета во имя борьбы с "буллингом",
"экстремизмом" и "мизинформацией" это практически
основное требование всех американских "либеральных" и
"прогрессивных" политиков и журналистов.


Current Mood: sick
Current Music: People Like Us - THERMOS EXPLORER
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