Misha Verbitsky - June 1st, 2021

June 1st, 2021

June 1st, 2021
01:04 pm


Noble Red Man
Когда Марка Твена окончательно запретят, его запретят
не за книги про негров (хотя и там, конечно, он пишет,
что неважно, какая у человека раса, сейчас за подобное
увольняют сразу, потому что не замечать расу сейчас это
самый страшный расизм). Марка Твена запретят за эту
маленькую заметку.


He is little, and scrawny, and black, and dirty; and,

judged by even the most charitable of our canons of human
excellence, is thoroughly pitiful and contemptible. There
is nothing in his eye or his nose that is attractive, and
if there is anything in his hair that -- however, that is
a feature which will not bear too close examination.
Тruly he is nothing but a poor, filthy, naked scurvy
vagabond, whom to exterminate were a charity to the
Creator's worthier insects and reptiles which he

He is ignoble -- base and treacherous, and hateful in
every way. Not even imminent death can startle him into a
spasm of virtue. The ruling trait of all savages is a
greedy and consuming selfishness, and in our Noble Red Man
it is found in its amplest development. His heart is a
cesspool of falsehood, of treachery, and of low and
devilish instincts. With him, gratitude is an unknown
emotion; and when one does him a kindness, it is safest to
keep the face toward him, lest the reward be an arrow in
the back.

* * *

По сути, кстати, все так, чем ниже человек
опускается по пирамиде Маслова, тем он пакостнее
действует, на самых нижних этажах вообще
неописуемое скотство происходит.


Current Mood: sick
Current Music: meanwhile, back in communist russia - MY ELIXIR; MY POISON

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