Misha Verbitsky - November 10th, 2022

November 10th, 2022

November 10th, 2022
04:24 pm


Цинизм! Слухи! Травля! Ложь, пиздеж, провокации!
Аспирантский треп про математику, типа у кого из
великих пиписька больше, кому больше
платят, этично ли это, кто куда свалил
и почему, вот это все. Цинизм! Слухи!
Травля! Ложь, пиздеж, провокации!
Трэшак адов, увлекательно ниибацца.

Типичная дискуссия

-- Maybe he was disgusted by the corona hysterics. Just

guessing. This is a typical reaction for people from
the Soviet union.

-- And also maybe not... maybe you project your weird
grievances onto everything in sight

-- You are obviously not a very strong
mathematician. Every reasonably good mathematician will
have enough ties to Russian mathematicians to know that
mukt is right.

* * *



Current Mood: sick
Current Music: DRUDKH - All Belong to the Night
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