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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-11 07:51:00

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2019-02-06 04:17 (ссылка)

так в пиндосии даже за ненамеренный просмотр
скринов оттуда или за получение скринов мэйлом можно 10 лет получить,
естественно, что уебы из гугла все нах
удаляют из поиска

но найти живой торрент с сотнями сидов на 40 гиг при
некотором умении совсем нетрудно

думаю, что в этой выдаче все найдется
(по ссылкам не ходил, страха иудейска ради)

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2019-02-06 04:26 (ссылка)
первая ссылка не про то, вот тут "strict liability"
(посадки за цепе людей, которые случайно его скачали или
получили по смартфону неизвестно что)


Generally speaking, people possessing child pornography
receive harsher sentences because it is easy to prosecute
as compared to all other crimes, Cucolo said.

“In many ways, [child pornography] crimes are treated like
strict liability crimes,” she said, adding that people
either have child pornography on their computers or they
don't. No valid defense exists for people who might have
accidentally downloaded files from the Internet, she


Child pornography is considered a strict liability crime that does not require a "guilty mind" for its commission. If one is accused of an illegal act related to child pornography, whether being in possession of such material, transmission or accused of abusing children and producing such material, you are facing a serious legal situation that must be acted upon at once if you are hoping to avoid the repercussions of a conviction. If convicted of this offense, a lengthy sentence in state prison, sex offender registration and many other penalties can be expected. Each separate photo found in your possession will be a separate charge and the volume of images increases in proportion to the punishment accordingly. These images, when found on a personal computer, cell phone, laptop or any other media will result in criminal charges against you. It is vital that you have the support of a Miami sex crime lawyer to assist in defending your case.

In some cases, the individual charged had no knowledge of
the images on their computer thereby denying
responsibility. Images can be planted from a remote
location by another person in the workplace or household.
Anyone with access to your computer, passwords or network
has the dangerous potential to visit illegal child
pornography sites and download pictures. Even infrequent
visits to these sites will put you at risk of legal action
as there are many law enforcement task forces, both state
and federal, that are monitoring websites and activities
on a daily basis. Enlisting a forensic computer expert
will be helpful in proving how remote access could have
occurred or that others had the ability to access your
computer, phone or other device.

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2019-02-06 08:56 (ссылка)
>найти живой торрент с сотнями сидов на 40 гиг

жесткий ты миша
научишь пацана, а ему потом визу не дадут

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2019-02-06 14:21 (ссылка)
Не находится, зато под видео с картинками Бабко нашел смешные объявления:

Продам печенье , возраст 0-14 . Большой ассортимент и низкие цены. По всем вопросам в ЛС , пруфы есть

Продам печенье

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2019-02-06 20:10 (ссылка)
Миша, к вам в журнал хотя бы безопасно заходить?

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