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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-09-26 11:25:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Legendary Pink Dots - Faces in the Fire
Entry tags:drugs, usa

нос в риталине
про то, как школьницы решили потравить
одноклассника (сына автора статьи, известной
), обвинив его в половом харрассменте.

...The background was this: 18 girls, most of them

children of the staff, had decided my son was - and I'll
use their term - "retarded" and therefore "dangerous."
(I'll point out that the speech impediment was the ONLY
reason they could even think so.) And they'd decided to
make us remove him from the school/get the school to expel
him by accusing him of "harassing them."

It included such charming incidents as claiming he blocked
the door to them so they couldn't leave the school, on a
day when he was home sick. That he'd called them lesbians
when that was a word he a) didn't know the meaning of and
b) couldn't pronounce because of speech impediment. That
he'd FOLLOWED THEM HOME, throwing rocks and threatening
them, on a day I'd picked him up in the car. (In fact, I
started making a practice of this. Which is why one day,
parked under a tree, I watched my son leave the school
pursued by one of these delicate flowers who was throwing
rocks at him and calling him filthy names.)

Our son became clinically depressed. He gained fifty
pounds. He slept all the time. The administration and the
school entrusted with his education told us only that
girls don't make things up, so he must be doing something.

* * *

До кучи, статья про то, как американским детям
(в основном мальчикам) всем подряд ставлят диагноз
ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder),
и прописывают им риталин
и аддерал, 15% американских детей. Причем среди
детей, родившихся в декабре, с таким диагнозом
живет аж 40 процентов, потому что они идут в школу
на год раньше и более непоседливы, чем их

Про опасность риталина:

Впрочем, по психофармакологическим
свойствам риталин целиком аналогичен кокаину,
так что фактически детям дают то самое,
к чему стремится практически все взрослое
население США. По-ленински, по-коммунистически.

Почитал про кокаиновые досуги депутатов
и вспомнил вот.


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2018-09-26 16:31 (ссылка)
охуели что ли ? в яндекс-картах секс шоп набрать лень ?

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