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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-11-12 11:42:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Elijah's Mantle - LEGACY OF CORRUPTION
Entry tags:feminism, smeshnoe

Intercourse/PIV is always rape, plain and simple

If we look at the act in more detail (skip this parag if

you can't take it), PIV is a man mounting on a woman to
thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate
parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging
himself against her with the whole weight of his body and
hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using
her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection. How
is this a normal civilised, respectful way to treat
anyone? Sorry for the explicit picture, but this is what
it is and it's absolutely revolting and violating.

Through an all-pervasive and powerful male propaganda,
they stuff our minds from infancy with the idea that PIV
is normal, desirable and erotic, before we can even
conceive of it as something horrifying, and make sure we
never see any alternative to their lie - or that if we do,
we can no longer take in the information, are punished for
thinking and saying otherwise. The fact we may not
immediately feel raped doesn't mean it's not rape,
objectively speaking. To give a classic example, many
women in prostitution may not identify the act of
prostitution as rape, except if the act wasn't paid
for. It doesn't stop us from saying that all prostitution
is rape. We know that our subjective feelings or thoughts
may be colonised by men's perspectives and as radical
feminists we don't let that override and erase the
objective reality of violence.

Men, by whom we are possessed, colonised and held captive,
are the sole agents and organisers of PIV. Men dominate us
precisely so we can?t opt out of sexual abuse by them;
intercourse is the very means through which men
subordinate us, the very purpose of their domination, to
control human reproduction.

Из статьи "PIV is always rape, ok?"
PIV это "penis in vagina".

Читайте целиком, оно охуительно с начала и до конца:

И вот тоже хорошее
Pornography Doesn't Cause Sexual Violence. Pornography IS
Sexual Violence.

О том, что все, кто смотрят порно, тоже
насилуют женщин (даже если это гей-порно).

Ну и по соседству, радфемки выступают против просмотра
порнографии и проституция, потому что онанизм и ебля
проституток суть формы супружеской измены.


По сути ничего другого в "феминизме" и нет.

...Не так давно я прочитала открытое письмо проституированной

женщины к женам ее проституторов. Она презрительно пишет,
что, конечно же, каждая женщина, читающая письмо, думает,
что это не про нее, но, если судить по числу ее женатых
проституторов, это лишь иллюзия. Затем она перечисляет
аргументы, почему мы, жены или партнерки, выигрываем,
когда принимаем и ценим ее ``работу'' - ведь в отличие от
любовницы, ей не нужны наши мужья, она даже не хочет
заниматься с ними сексом, а потому она не представляет для
нас опасности, как будто она меньшее из двух зол, а
мужчины есть мужчины.

Я называю нас женщинами в тени, потому что мы стоим в тени
этой системы. У нас не было выбора, мы ничего не решали, у
нас нет голоса в дискуссии о проституции. Это невыносимая
мысль, если принять во внимание то, насколько
это травматичный опыт из-за продолжительного обмана,
предательства и злоупотреблений по отношению к женам и

Вообще, 100 раз уже говорил, скажу и 101-й. То, что сейчас
называется "феминизм", в 19-м веке называлось Social
Purity Movement, это было движение домохозяек за запрет
мьюзик-холлов, алкоголя и проституции и за принудительную
изоляцию бомжей и проституток в работных домах. Ничего
с тех пор не поменялось, разве что к (условно вменяемым,
хотя и неприятным) домохозяйкам с викторианскими представлениями
о сексе добавились совсем уже оголтелые фанатички, в духе
средневековых флагеллантов, которые считают, что любой
секс вообще это греховно, страшно и отвратительно.

По ссылке отсюда:


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2018-11-12 18:57 (ссылка)

и что? шведские феминистки легко находят язык с исламской
радикально правой, но требуют безусловного уничтожения светского
и относительно прогрессивного Израиля, где на каждом углу

ношение хиджаба - тоже вполне феминистское требование

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2018-11-12 20:07 (ссылка)
Исламисты - левые а не правые, также как феминистки. Так что тут нет ничего удивительного.

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2018-11-12 21:52 (ссылка)
по сравнению с русскими кто угодно левые.

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2018-11-12 23:48 (ссылка)
Ого, у Миши Израиль "относительно" прогрессивный! Думаю мы скоро услышим как малый мордор терроризирует "относительно" прогрессивную Рашку

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2018-11-13 01:19 (ссылка)
но ведь это правда

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2018-11-13 10:30 (ссылка)
Шведки требуют уничтожить израиль? Ебанулся?

А прогрессивность Израиля лучше иллюстрировать картинкой, где Биби колорадку носит

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2018-11-13 11:04 (ссылка)
Sweden’s relations with Israel were already bad. They just got much worse.

sraeli officials have a blunt message for Margot Wallstrom, the Swedish foreign minister: You are not welcome here.

"We decline to host the Swedish foreign minister in Israel," Tzipi Hotovely, Israel's deputy foreign minister, told reporters on Wednesday. "The State of Israel is closing its doors to official Swedish visits." An Israeli spokesman later clarified that the move did not apply to all Swedish officials, just the foreign minister. "It's just Margot Wallstrom," Emmanuel Nahshon told the Swedish news agency TT.

Wallstrom had been due to visit Israel on Thursday to attend an event in honor of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swede who saved tens of thousands of Jews during World War II, but the trip was canceled at the last minute. The Swedish Foreign Ministry says there was a scheduling conflict, though Swedish Radio News reports that Israeli officials had refused to meet with her.

Israel's public rejection of Wallstrom is a response to comments made by the Swedish foreign minister about allegations that Israeli forces had carried out extrajudicial killings during recent clashes with Palestinians. “It is vital that there are thorough, credible investigations into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability,” she had told Swedish lawmakers on Tuesday.

At least 140 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since mid-September. These deaths come as Israel has been gripped by a fresh wave of violence, with seemingly random knife attacks by Palestinians on Israelis occurring virtually every day. In response, Israeli politicians and police officers have openly called for Israeli civilians to carry weapons. Human rights groups say their messages amount to a call for extrajudicial killings.

The Swedish foreign minister had previously commented on the risk of extrajudicial killings, in December, prompting a rebuke from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "It seems she expects Israel's citizens to bare their throats to those trying to stab them," Netanyahu said in comments to his cabinet that were broadcast on Israeli television. He reiterated this criticism in a meeting with foreign journalists on Thursday, dubbing Wallstrom's comments "outrageous, immoral and stupid."

The allegations of extrajudicial killings are just the latest problem between Wallstrom and Israel, and they are just one of a number of disputes the Swedish foreign minister has found herself embroiled in since entering office in October 2014. Sweden has been pursuing what has been called a "feminist foreign policy" since then – one that has led to notable diplomatic spats with Morocco and Saudi Arabia.

The issue with Israel arose almost immediately after Wallstrom took office as part of Prime Minister Stefan Lofven's new center-left government, when Sweden officially recognized the state of Palestine. In response, Israel recalled its ambassador, and then-Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned that the Middle East is “more complicated than a piece of furniture from Ikea,” which was founded in Sweden. Wallstrom had shot back: “I will be happy to send Israel FM Lieberman an Ikea flat pack to assemble. He'll see it requires a partner, cooperation and a good manual.”

Lieberman, now out of government, raised the Ikea analogy again after the latest dispute with Wallstrom. “I’m not calling to sever relations with Sweden, but I do recommend that everyone stop shopping at Ikea; there are enough Israeli-made products," the chairman of the right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu said, according to the Maariv newspaper. Lieberman also added that Sweden had "gained most of its wealth" by trading with Nazi Germany. "It knew about the refugee camps, about Auschwitz and about Buchenwald, and that the gold in which they were being paid had been robbed from Jews," he said. "Sweden is a country that only cares about its own money and wealth."

Israel had also expressed outrage at comments made by Wallstrom in the aftermath of the Paris attacks in November. The Swedish foreign minister had suggested that there was a link between the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and radicalism in the West. Calling the comments "appallingly imprudent," Nahshon had said that Wallstrom demonstrated a "genuine hostility when she points to a connection of any kind between the terror attacks in Paris and the complex situation between Israel and the Palestinians."

For now, Israel's Foreign Ministry has stopped short of cutting off full relations with Sweden, but it has now twice summoned Swedish Ambassador Carl Magnus Nesser to express anger at Wallstrom's comments. According to reports in the Israeli press, Nesser was told that Sweden would be excluded from any role related to Israeli-Palestinian relations.

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2018-11-13 13:45 (ссылка)
жаба has stopped short of cutting off full relations with гадюка

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2018-11-13 03:41 (ссылка)
Малый мордор это развалившийся большой мордор эпохи постпутинизма.

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2018-11-13 01:18 (ссылка)
>светского израиля

уёбывай в свой израиль как можно реще, и скоро будешь там свою жену через дырку в простыне трахать

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2018-11-13 13:42 (ссылка)
пардон, а почему через дырку в простыне?

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2018-11-13 16:55 (ссылка)
Как таких пидорасов, как ты, интернет носит?

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2018-11-14 00:18 (ссылка)
Функционирование интернета не может быть нарушено появлением в нем такого анонима, каковым являюсь я. Вопрос, как меня интернет носит, мне кажется несколько странным, из-за меня, конечно, интернетотрясения не будет.

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