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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-11 10:13:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:16 Horsepower, Secret South (full album) 2000

для связи - март 2019
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Ideal Voter Base
2019-04-17 11:23 (ссылка)
Australia, they insist, belongs only to its roughly 670,000 Aborigines, who make up 3% of its population.” Indeed, the Aborigines should be given a referendum on whether or not they should have a representative body, a ‘Voice of Parliament.’ In effect, this would be a third (albeit consultative) parliamentary chamber, voted for and stocked entirely by Aborigines.

"In general, Australian Aborigines have extremely low IQs. Lynn summarizes: The average mental age of the two sexes was 9.55, equivalent to an IQ of 59."

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Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-17 15:03 (ссылка)

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Re: Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-17 17:58 (ссылка)
My friend, could we stand together?
Look at us, we can't sniff forever
Show me sister! Show me brother!
Every stays strong for one another

We call the leaders of Ngaanyatjarra Lands
You don't sniff petrol from a can
You put your petrol in the car it stays
Don't be rama rama it's messing with your brains

You say you're deadly
Do you understand?
You don't sniff petrol from a can
You put your petrol in the car it goes
Don't be rama rama and sniff it up your nose!

Don't be rama
Don't be rama rama
Don't be rama
Don't be rama rama
Don't be rama
Don't be rama rama
Don't be rama

[Verse 2]
Love your friends and protect your family
They are with you when you are lonely
Dont bundirra, dont bundirra
When you stop your brains will be clear

Come on, come on, come on, come on, yeah!
Come on, come on...

We call the leaders of Ngaanyatjarra Lands
You don't sniff petrol from a can
You put your petrol in the car it stays
Don't be rama rama it's messing with your brains

You say you're deadly
Do you understand?
You don't sniff petrol from a can
You put your petrol in the car it goes
Don't be rama rama and sniff it up your nose!

You are deadly, you rama rama
Gonna get caught like Bin Laden Osama

Yeah i tell you
Cause i care, tell you

We call the leaders of Ngaanyatjarra Lands
You don't sniff petrol from a can
You put your petrol in the car it stays
Don't be rama rama it's messing with your brains

You say you're deadly
Do you understand?
You don't sniff petrol from a can
You put your petrol in the car it goes
Don't be rama rama and sniff it up your nose!

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Re: Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-17 23:18 (ссылка)
какие же негры дегенераты пиздец, просто

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Re: Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-18 02:15 (ссылка)
Это не негры!

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Re: Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-18 04:15 (ссылка)
черножопые папуасы блядь нигеры нахой

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Re: Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-18 16:15 (ссылка)
Dude, you should definitely take those anti-racist drugs.

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Re: Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-19 02:07 (ссылка)
а вот короче зацени, как мы радикально решили проблему токсикомании на бывшей украине: запретили вывозить туда нахуй невть и всё
нет нефти = нет бензина

так что теперь скакуасы будут пробавляться импортным для зажигалок агагагагагагггггггагагагаг

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Re: Don't sniff petrol from a can
2019-04-18 07:43 (ссылка)

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Re: Ideal Voter Base
2019-04-17 15:55 (ссылка)
Dude, you should definitely take those anti-racist drugs.

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