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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-15 12:28:00

Previous Entry  Add to memories!  Tell a Friend!  Next Entry
Настроение: tired
Музыка:G.F. Handel Concerti Grossi Op.6 Nos.1- 6, Andrew Manze
Entry tags:nazi, pol, revolution, smeshnoe, terror

subscribe to Pewdiepie
Самая хорошая конспирологическая теория
как известно, народный герой Брентон Таррант закончил
свой популярный перформанс призывом подписываться
на канал Пьюдипая в Ютюбе:


Оказывается, расстрел муслимов в мечети был совершен
для того, чтобы Пьюдипая выперли с Ютюба, что неизбежно
приведет к социальной революции, потому что сто миллионов
непременно восстанут и растопчут
проклятыe живозаглотные власти!

Но в целом /pol/ совершенно недоволен народным героем:
во-первых, Брентон Таррант не разоблачил жида. Во-вторых,
из-за популярного перформанса пострадает National Rifle
Association, а юзерам /pol/ будет труднее закупать оружие.


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2019-03-15 17:06 (ссылка)
>Confirmed. NZ ISPs are blocking access to #Liveleak, 4chan, 8ch, a certain farm, Mixtape, Mega, and many other sites that are not complying immediately with the takedown orders.

>Even @Bitchute is removing the video mirrors.


>Earlier today Bush said he was aware that footage of the shooting had appeared on social media and police were doing everything they could to get it removed.

>"It shouldn't be in the public domain."

>Facebook Australia-New Zealand policy director Mia Garlick said videos which appeared to show the Christchurch shootings had been taken down.

>"New Zealand Police alerted us to a video on Facebook shortly after the livestream commenced and we quickly removed both the shooter's Facebook and Instagram accounts and the video."

>Spark managing director Simon Moutter said the company was working to close off websites attempting to distribute the footage.

>"Our Spark security experts are working hard to close off the websites attempting to distribute the hateful stuff originating from the perpetrators of the massacre in Christchurch. We hope it causes minimal inconvenience to legitimate internet use by our customers."

>Vodafone NZ spokesman Richard Llewellyn said: "Industry players are working at a technical level now to block some of the hate sites involved in this content."

>Spark spokesman Andrew Pirie said technical staff had identified three primary sites where footage had been posted but there were a number of "copycat" sites popping up.

>The internet providers had joined forces to block access to these sites, he said.


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2019-03-15 18:01 (ссылка)
страусы. пол то бетонный.

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2019-03-15 19:10 (ссылка)

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2019-03-15 19:51 (ссылка)
реддит забанил /r/gore и /r/watchpeopledie



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