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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-30 21:11:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Jeanne Mas - PH
Entry tags:africa, sjw, smeshnoe

No white saviours!
Прекрасно же
африканские SJW из Уганды борются с
до сих пор неразоблаченной формой белого
колониализма - благотворительностью.
Типа белые колонизаторы должны платить
и каяться бесплатно, а они еще и
зарплату получают.

Все правильно делают, видишь благотворителя,
плюй ему в рожу, пинай его ногой, потому что это мразь.
Не надо кормить бешеных животных, покусают,
и правильно сделают.

That which is Falling

Should also be Pushed
That which is Crawling
Should also be Crushed!


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2019-03-31 04:55 (ссылка)
Ислам в некоторый момент пытался ввести Иди Амин, из шкурных соображений. После него пошел откат. Сейчас типа вторая волна, но хилая.

Впрочем, от этого не легче -- там христианство еще более вирулентное, чем ислам.

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2019-03-31 10:11 (ссылка)
рассматривая рф, делается понятно, что нет никаких противоречий
между исламским и христианским мракобесием, это одинаковые вещи
которые друг друга стимулируют ко всему прочему

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2019-04-01 14:29 (ссылка)
Не уверен насчет стимуляции, они скорее конкуренты: два лейбла для ровно одного и того же говна. Поэтому муслимства в Америке и нет практически. Нахуя, когда все ебанаты уже born-again.

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2019-04-01 14:48 (ссылка)
>муслимства в Америке и нет практически

есть дохуища, есличо
etc etc

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2019-04-01 17:44 (ссылка)
Я в курсе, ага. И все это абсолютно нерелевантно ни для чего, и ты про это тоже знаешь.

Кроме черных, естественно, но это отдельная история.

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2019-04-01 18:10 (ссылка)
>Кроме черных, естественно, но это отдельная история.

по ссылке исключительно черные же

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2019-04-01 18:20 (ссылка)
А, ок.

Но черные тоже никакие не мюсли на самом деле, естественно. Там оно чисто декоративное, на пророка им насрать, в шахиды не идут.

Единственный на моей памяти акт условно-домашнего исламского терроризма в Америке была попытка взорвать WTC в 93 что ли году; как я понимаю, они сделали выводы и раздавили гадов на корню (в Нью-Йорке -- а вовне оно и не вылезало).

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2019-04-01 19:58 (ссылка)
>Единственный на моей памяти акт условно-домашнего исламского терроризма
Малькольма X убили же

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2019-04-01 20:02 (ссылка)
Какой же это терроризм? клановые разборки, нет?

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2019-04-01 20:15 (ссылка)

Jamaat ul-Fuqraa' (alternatively Jamaat al-Fuqraa') (Arabic: جماعة الفقراء‎, "Community of the Impoverished") is an organization of mostly African-American Muslims based in Pakistan and the United States. Some of the approximately 3,000 members have planned various acts of violence, often directed at rival factions.[1] Two Al-Fuqra members were convicted of conspiring to murder Rashad Khalifa in 1990,[2][3] and others are alleged to have assassinated Ahmadiyya leader Mozaffar Ahmad in 1983.[4][5]

It has been alleged that the groups Muslims of the Americas[1] and Quranic Open University[6] are the same as Jamaat ul-Fuqra, but this has not been confirmed. These allegations are primarily made by far-right organizations, many who believe the organizations are operating terrorist training camps in the United States.[7]Muslims of America denies any connection.[8]

The group is separatist, and was described by the National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT) and a similar profile in the database of the South Asian Terror Portal as a cult.[9][10]

Hotel Rajneesh bombing

On July 29, 1983, Stephen Paul Paster, an al-Fuqra member,[18] set off a bomb at the Hotel Rajneesh, a hotel in Portland, Oregon, USA. The hotel was owned by the Rajneesh religious group and featured the Zorba the Buddha nightclub.[6] Paster had several bombs and homemade napalm in his room, but one of the bombs went off in his hands while he was placing the bombs in the midst of the napalm.[19]

Paster was almost immediately arrested after the bombs went off, as he was one of only two people injured in the explosion, which took place at 1:23 a.m. After the hotel was evacuated two other explosions occurred at 3 a.m. Paster was charged with arson due to the fire which resulted from the explosions.[20] Paster posted $20,000 bail, but fled Oregon and was not apprehended until June 1984 in Englewood, Colorado. In November 1985, Paster was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Multnomah County circuit judge.[19]

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2019-04-01 21:55 (ссылка)
>often directed at rival factions.

My point exactly.

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2019-04-01 20:18 (ссылка)

Authorities finally raid Islamberg and find cache of weapons and bomb making materials.
Authorities finally raid Islamberg and find cache of weapons and bomb making materials.

We have known that there was a cache of weapons in Islamberg, NY for some time. The authorities have finally raided this cache. This group has been operating for two decades. The group behind this is related to a Pakistani organization that supports terrorist groups. They have not been identified by our government as a terrorist organization.

The following article is from Freedom Daily
Trump Sends Feds In To Raid NY’s Islamberg After 2 DECADES – Uncover America’s WORST Nightmare
By Prissy Holly

There’s a mysterious hidden Muslim compound called Islamberg that’s nestled deep within the woods of the Catskill mountains in New York. The only way to access the 70-acre compound is through primitive dirt roads, where more than 100 Muslims live in seclusion away from the prying eyes of curious Americans. For over two decades, infidels have been prohibited from entering, as anyone attempting to enter will be “greeted” by armed Muslims patrolling a guard shack at the compound’s entry gate. Without access to the compound, there’s been no way to confirm rumors about the location being used as a training ground for Muslim terrorists. But after an alarming incident involving one of the Islamberg residents, police were finally able to obtain a warrant and raid the place. And what they discovered that these Muslims have been quietly plotting for years is nothing short of chilling.

For over two decades, this cult-like group of Sharia Law-following Muslims have lived quietly under the guidance of Pakistani Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, a radical Muslim with known ties to Jamaat al-Fuqra, a terror organization responsible for a long list of terrorist activities around the world, including murders of rival religious figures in the United States. Locals in the area have often times reported the sounds of gunfire and explosions emanating from the compound, but because the Muslims weren’t necessarily breaking any laws, there was nothing that law enforcement could do except keep a close eye on the place from a distance.
Pakistani Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani

But with a recent arrest of Islamberg resident Ramadan Abdullah who was recently caught trying to steal several cases of ammunition from a local mountain store in the area, authorities finally had their chance to obtain a search warrant for the compound, and what they discovered was nothing short of chilling.
Islamberg resident Ramadan Abdullah

Shortly after arresting Ramadan Abdullah for theft, the Muslim’s answers about why he was stealing ammunition raised suspicion among police, who then decided to obtain a search warrant to investigate their suspicions further. During their raid they discovered a massive stockpile of illegal weapons throughout the Islamberg location, including 8 assault weapons, 4 loaded handguns, 1 loaded shotgun, 2 rifles, 64 high-capacity ammunition feeding devices, and body armor, including thousands of rounds of .50 caliber ammunition capable of piercing body armor. But illegal cache of weapons seized at the compound was unfortunately just the beginning.
Illegal weapons seized from Islamberg compound

After Abdullah’s arrest, authorities began looking closer into his background, discovering that the Muslim is a long-time associate of the U.S.-based Islamist terrorist organization, Muslims of America (MOA), and was the very same Muslim who was arrested back in 1977 after police discovered enough material at his home to build 50 bombs.

Abdullah also participated in the armed robbery of a candy store in Brooklyn back in the 70’s that resulted in the death of a man. But after serving time and having his sentence drastically reduced, Abdullah had pretty much fallen off the radar of authorities, quietly living on the Islamberg compound and training other terrorists on the use of weapons. His arrest has now validated the fears that New York residents held all along that the compound was in fact location being used to actively train terrorists, where FOX News is now coming forward with other possible rumors of there being a tank on the grounds as well, and that the location was once used to hide Osama bin Laden from authorities.

Since Abdullah’s arrest, New York State Police Major Jim Barnes said he believes that the Muslim terrorist has traveled overseas to promote terrorism. All Abdullah’s illegal weapons have since been seized, and Barnes questions exactly what Abdullah’s motives were for hording such a massive amount of weapons in the first place.

New York State Police Major Jim Barnes holds press conference

“… it begs the question, what was he doing with all this and what were his intentions down the road?” Barnes said.

Thankfully, Abdullah is being held without bail at the Broome County Jail.

On several occasions, political pundit Dennis Michael Lynch has reported on the alarming things going on in Islamberg, exposing how 22 other training camps within the United States are directly associated with the MOA terror network and Ramadan Abdullah. Below is a chilling mini-documentary he did on Islamberg. Watch for yourself and ask: just what exactly is in that U-Haul truck?

It’s absolutely ridiculous that Muslims in this country are allowed to have their own freaking jihadi compounds, where they’re actively training their residents on the necessary tactics to carry out terror attacks! While Americans are protected under the Constitution against illegal searches and seizures, when known freaking terrorists are leading these compounds, it’s time to stop letting these Muslims hide behind our laws and put them all in GITMO where they belong!

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2019-04-01 21:56 (ссылка)
Слушай, прости, это опять раша-тудей.

Исламский теракт в США за последние 25 лет? хоть один?

Один я знаю, кстати, но не скажу (а ты стопудов забыл уже).

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2019-04-01 22:58 (ссылка)
9/11 zhe

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2019-04-02 00:16 (ссылка)
Domestic же?

В 9/11 не участвовал ровно ни один не то, что американец, а хотя бы человек, живший до того в Америке больше 3 месяцев.

О чем я и говорю: мюсли в Америке это вопрос внешней политики, а не внутренней.

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2019-04-03 16:17 (ссылка)
> Один я знаю, кстати, но не скажу (а ты стопудов забыл уже).

Shooting v gey-clube "Pulse"? No tam tozhe vrode by kakoj-to eban'ko, radikalizirovalsja za dve nedeli

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2019-04-03 18:10 (ссылка)
Нет, тут муслимство ну совсем уже ни при чем. Просто пидарас в плохом смысле.

Был какой-то полковник медицинской службы, который на своей базе несколько человек положил. Но тоже, типа герой-одиночка (читай тупое свихнувшееся ебанько), без связи с организациями.

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