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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-04-02 11:28:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:King Crimson - MELTDOWN
Entry tags:sjw, usa

солидарны с активистами Ку-Клукс-Клана
Опрос среди белых студентов Коламбии (левой ориентации),
негров студентов Коламбии и активистов Ку-Клукс-Клана,
нужны ли Коламбии общежития "только для черных", классы,
столовые и так далее. Левые студенты солидарны с
активистами Ку-Клукс-Клана, негры против.

Вообще сегрегационизм - чрезвычайна популярная
идея в американских университетах

...Some of the most bizarre and dysfunctional behavior in

America these days takes place on college campuses. Last
year student protesters on the University of
California-Berkeley campus physically prevented white
students from accessing their classes and the Student
Union Building to study. Incredibly, protesters declared
UC-Berkeley was their university, even going as far as
issuing a "notice of eviction" to white students before
demanding that university officials create [safe] "spaces
of color" for non-white students.

But what if I told you that some colleges are starting to
take on an eerie likeness of Jim Crow-styled segregation?
In fact, there are so many examples of racially segregated
dances, student housing facilities, and commencement
ceremonies, it's hard to keep up. Vanderbilt, UC-Davis,
Cornell, Stanford, the University of Michigan, and scores
of other prominent institutions are aggressively
practicing identity politics.

There are far more egregious examples of the new
segregation, too. Students around the nation have demanded
no-whites-allowed "safe spaces" for blacks. The University
of Minnesota offers a "Tongues Untied" program that
excludes straight people and whites, according to Campus
Reform. And it was reported in 2015 that a NYC school was
asking third-graders their race and then dividing them
into "affinity groups" (i.e., racial groups) for racial
tolerance training.

Of course, this doesn't come out of nowhere: The San
Francisco-based Pacific Educational Group (PEG) - which
devises materials for taxpayer-funded teacher training -
actually recommends formulating student groups based on

PEG tells the educators that minority kids frequently
have a "different value and view on time, missed days,
working together, and wait time between questions and
answers," Gunn continues. Consequently, teachers should
"'be flexible' with minority students who are persistently
late or miss a lot of school days [and should] be tolerant
if black children exhibit 'an exuberant participation
style of shouting out answers and questions.'"

Gunn further informs, "According to PEG, white culture is
based on 'white individualism' or 'white traits' like
'rugged individualism,' 'adherence to rigid time
schedules,' 'plan(ning) for the future,' and the idea that
'hard work is the key to success.'"

What's so tragic about this is that by labeling
success-oriented behaviors - or, more precisely, virtues
and their sub-categories - "white," these "educators" are
encouraging vice in minority children. Years ago it was
only jealous peers who'd apply this destructive social
pressure, telling studious, academically successful black
students that they were "acting white." Now this attitude
has the imprimatur of authority figures.

В Австралии сегрегационизм слева начался раньше, чем в
Америке, и там долго шел курьезный судебный процесс:
Какие-то студенты решили позаниматься в пустой
компьютерной комнате, оказалось, что это комната
для аборигенов, и сотрудница отдела университета
по делам аборигенов их оттуда выгнала (со скандалом).
Студенты написали про сие в ФСБуке, возмутившись
насчет расовой сегрегации; сотрудница обратилась
к университету с жалобами на угрозу белого расизма,
потребовала дополнительной охранной системы,
не добившись ее, подала в суд на трех студентов,
трех профессоров и университет в целом
за оскорбления и вред для здоровья,
потребовав у них 250,000 долларов.
Иск года два болтался в суде, про него писали
все австралийские газеты, но до суда не дошло.

Австралия вообще впереди планеты всей по разным
SJW-эксцессам, несмотря на то, что по социальной
политике (образование, общественный транспорт, права
человека) одна из последних среди "западного мира".

По ссылке от [info]oort


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2019-04-05 10:55 (ссылка)
如今,发布的语言并不重要。 在某种程度上,这是Misha对文化的看法的反驳。

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