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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-04-11 08:56:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:People Like Us - LASSIE HOUSE
Entry tags:censorship, feminism, sjw, smeshnoe, twitter

female penis
Тролль 80lvl

трансгендер по имени Jonathan Yaniv, пол от рождения
мужской, выглядит как мужчина, гениталии мужские.
Жирненький такой, с бакенбардами под Элвиса Пресли.

Jonathan Yaniv подал в суд на 16 теток из женских салонов
красоты, которые отказались делать
ему эпилляцию гениталий, потому что они
таким образом его мисгендерили
(в Канаде есть закон, запрещающий называть
транса в женском роде, если это транс
в мужчину, и в мужском роде, если транс
в женщину).

...Back in May, I wrote about the biological man claiming to

be a woman who has sued a spa in Windsor after a female
employee declined to service him following his request
for a Brazilian wax. The "transgender woman" was furious,
claiming that his genitals are irrelevant to his gender,
and that this Muslim woman should have absolutely no
problem handling his penis, seeing that in his point of
view, it was a female penis.

Then in August, another fellow got in on the game. A
transgender "woman" began calling spas in British
Columbia, asking that they give him a "Manzillian" wax,
and then taking careful note of those who refused. He then
filed 16 human rights complaints against sixteen women who
refused to handle his penis, claiming that he had been
discriminated against. In fact, he claimed that having
these women refuse to wax his genitals "really got to
me...it hurts."

Identifying himself only as J.Y., the claims of
discrimination and bullying are ironic considering what
this fellow is doing to actual women. One of the
estheticians, a single mom who works out of her home,
already paid J.Y. $2,500 to withdraw his complaint so she
could simply get on with her life. Two and a half grand,
it turns out, is the amount of money that a single mom,
seeing her livelihood threatened, has to pay to a man for
not touching his genitals.

* * *

Я сделал поиск на trangender waxing в
Интернете, оказывается, это глобальный тренд: сначала SJW продвигают
закон против misgendering, потом трансы начинают пачками
подавать иски против женских салонов за отказ в эпилляции
гениталий. Было в Канаде, в Массачуссетсе, в Австралии,
наверное еще много где.

Канадская феминистка Меган Мерфи
ебанутая SJW, даже на
фоне всех прочих таких же)
назвала мудака "it's him" и была
забанена навеки в Твиттере, теперь

Интересно, что еще полтора-два года назад
Твиттер был пристанищем свободы слова, где
практически никого ни за что не банили, от
порнозвезд до хардкор-наци, а теперь банят
за любой чих как в ФСБуке.

Рано или поздно в аналогичную позицию встанет
и Гугл, и это будет риальне пиздец, у меня там,
например, офисный мэйл (как и у всей конторы),
и личная почта там же, с архивами.

Феминистки жалуются на трансов, потому что те их
повсюду ловят и дико пиздят.


In April, a trans-identified biological male who goes by

the name "Tara Wolf" was convicted of assault after
beating 60-year-old Maria MacLauchlan, who had gathered
with other women at Speaker's Corner in London's Hyde Park
to discuss mooted gender-identity legislation. Prior to
the gathering, this champion of progressive ideals had
posted on Facebook, asking where the event would be taking
place, as the assailant wanted to "fuck some TERFs up."

In San Francisco, which one might assume to be a hot spot
for lesbian pride, a group of women carrying signs that
read, "Proud to be lesbian," "Lesbian Visibility," and
"Lesbian not queer" were harassed and bullied. Feminist
historian Max Dashu, who was in attendance, said she and
the other "old lesbians" were surrounded by "young queers"
who pushed them and chanted "TERFs, go home." On Facebook,
she wrote: "I've been to many marches, including dangerous
ones, but this was the most vicious episode I have ever
experienced, ever in my life."

(TERF это те феминистки, которые не считают
трансов женщинами, trans-exclusionary radical feminists).


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2019-04-11 15:58 (ссылка)
что значит (не) правильные?
каждая(ый) представляет сам себя. нет партии феминисток, нет генеральной линии.

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