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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-04-19 10:52:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:bulow - Crystalline
Entry tags:feminism, sjw, smeshnoe, usa

"Trans lives matter! We believe survivors!"

бывшую феминистку, а ныне антифеминистку Камиллу Палья
пытаются уволить за политнекорректность.

Теперь на ее лекции приходит по 100 человек активистов,
скандируют "две ноги плохо, четыре хорошо"
"Trans lives matter! We believe survivors!" и не дают
ей выступать.

Paglia is a professor of humanities and media studies

at UArts, and has been for 35 years. As a dissident
feminist and critic of victim politics, she has been
protested against in the past due to her views. But now,
over a thousand people have signed a petition calling for
Paglia to be 'removed from UArts faculty and replaced by a
queer person of colour' because of her views on #MeToo and

McAndrew and Merrick said about 100 protesters sat in a

lobby at Terra Hall, 211 S. Broad St., Tuesday holding
signs ahead of the talk. Then, some of those protesting
filed in to listen. About 30 minutes into the lecture,
McAndrew said, a building fire alarm went off, prompting
an evacuation and moving the protest outside, where
demonstrators chanted, "Trans lives matter! We believe

Paul Healy, a UArts spokesperson, said the alarm was
determined to have been intentionally pulled and an
investigation into the incident is ongoing. The evacuation
effectively ended Paglia's lecture.

Скоро чихнуть на кампусе будет
невозможно без петиции о немедленном увольнении за
недостаточный трансгендеризм.


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2019-04-19 15:36 (ссылка)
Лучше верни нам Вениамина, панк ебаный!

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2019-04-20 04:32 (ссылка)
битва нанайских мальчиков блядь
лол, а может и за веника хуйлашка писал? учитывая, сколько у этого пидора тут твинков, и задачу срать на лжр каждый день по двадцать спамов?

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