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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-09-26 09:24:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Shpongle -- Live In London On 25 October, 2013
Entry tags:.in, smeshnoe

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Не знал

The India?Bangladesh enclaves, also known as the

chitmahals and sometimes called pasha enclaves,[5] were
the enclaves along the Bangladesh?India border, in
Bangladesh and the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura,
Assam and Meghalaya. Within the main body of Bangladesh
were 102 enclaves of Indian territory, which in turn
contained 21 Bangladeshi counter-enclaves, one of which
contained an Indian counter-counter-enclave ? the world's
only third-order enclave. Within the Indian mainland were
71 Bangladeshi enclaves, containing 3 Indian
counter-enclaves. A joint census in 2010 found 51,549
people residing in these enclaves: 37,334 in Indian
enclaves within Bangladesh and 14,215 in Bangladeshi
enclaves within India.[3][6]

Оказывается, на границе Индии и Бангладеш были сотни анклавов
территории одного государства в другом, десятки анклавов внутри
анклавов, и один анклав третьего уровня.
