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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-01-29 07:37:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Cyberaktif - TEMPER
Entry tags:.cn, feminism, nauka, usa

сажают профессоров по всей Америке
Еще одного посадили, на этот раз без пяти минут нобеля.


Charles M. Lieber (born 1959) is an American chemist and
pioneer in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. In
2011, Lieber was recognized by Thomson Reuters as the
leading chemist in the world for the decade 2000-2010
based on the impact of his scientific publications.[1]
Lieber has published over 400 papers in peer-reviewed
scientific journals and has edited and contributed to many
books on nanoscience.[2] He is the principal inventor on
over fifty issued US patents and applications, and founded
the nanotechnology company Nanosys in 2001 and Vista
Therapeutics in 2007.[3] He is known for his contributions
to the synthesis, assembly and characterization of
nanoscale materials and nanodevices, the application of
nanoelectronic devices in biology, and as a mentor to
numerous leaders in nanoscience.[4]

Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2012)
MRS Von Hippel Award (2016)
NAS (2004)

On January 28, 2020, Lieber was arrested on charges of
making false statements to the U.S. Department of Defense
and to Harvard investigators regarding his participation
in China's Thousand Talents Program.[5][6] The program was
created to entice American scientists and researchers to
provide their research to China. In addition, his house
was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The charges against Lieber carry a sentence of five years
in federal prison and a quarter million dollar fine.

* * *

В принципе, эта движуха совсем недавняя, год-два ей,
сейчас ФБР занимается расследованиями и арестами
профессоров за научное сотрудничество с Китаем
весьма активно.

Разумные люди, над которыми висит аналогичный
приговор, сейчас массово перебираются
в Китай, там таки безопаснее.

С одной стороны, ужас-ужас (случай не изолированный,
сейчас сажают профессоров по всей Америке за то же самое).
С другой стороны, профессоров, посаженных за сексуальные
преступления (достаточно мягкие: от поцелуев и
подглядывания под юбки до страстных романов,
закончившихся скандалами), по-любому больше
на порядок. Так что сношения с Китаем - штука
опасная, но менее опасная, чем иметь хуй.


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Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 00:46 (ссылка)
Patrol dogs, I presume, will make you stop.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 10:02 (ссылка)
Dog will get a knife to he neck. I will also try to get a submachine gun. If I open fire at border guards, that will scare them and they will call backup, allowing me to escape.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 10:06 (ссылка)
баллонов купи перцовых, побрызгивай за собой и собачек тоже
так и покалечить можно псину кстати, нюх на всю жизнь отбить

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Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 14:31 (ссылка)
>баллонов купи перцовых, побрызгивай за собой и собачек тоже

точно! сначала приставить собаке нож к горлу, а потом побрызгать баллончиком!

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 12:54 (ссылка)
run for cover people

we've got sadkov in full battle armor quad damage mode in the thread

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 14:45 (ссылка)
>quad damage

у меня sfx в голове прозвучал, хоть и не играл лет 15

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 14:37 (ссылка)
>Dog will get a knife to he neck.

this nonsense gets more and more bizarre, a knife to the neck of a trained patrol dog running at you full speed to immediately attack and get you down, and hold? I presume you'd rather shit in your pants and run for the life (before the beast will get you).

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Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 15:21 (ссылка)
You cant outrun the dog, so the best bet is to put forward your free hand, inviting the dog to bit it, then stab the dog with the hand you have knife in, hoping to kill the dog before guards catch up, and the dog wont damage your legs, so you could continue the running. Usually border patrol has only single dog, even in Russia, and Ukraine is a poor and corrupt country, so it is possible the patrol has no dog, because Ukrainian soldiers ate all the dog food and the dog died from starvtion.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 16:42 (ссылка)
Don't stop, Sadkov. Keep posting.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 19:18 (ссылка)
Unfed dog could've just ran away. Recently I've seen large german shepherd unsupervised.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-31 14:27 (ссылка)
Tell us more about it and other things you have seen recently.

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Re: There are two chairs...
2020-01-30 22:55 (ссылка)
never mind, this imbecile never saw what a trained dog from police kennel can do.

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