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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-06-17 12:01:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 4 (1976-2017)
Entry tags:revolution, usa

выдавили ему глаза и выбросили на улицу
Адская история
про то, как негра-ветерана с медалями,
демобилизованного в 1946, вытащили из автобуса
на полпути домой, отпиздили, выдавили
ему глаза, осудили за "мелкое хулиганство"
и выбросили на улицу.

На суде шериф, который выдавил глаза,
не спорил с обвинениями, но прокурор заявил,
что если его осудят, Южная Каролина объявит
независимость от Штатов; присяжные единогласно
заявили, что он невиновен, под продолжительные
аплодисменты всех собравшихся.

Хочется, чтобы в такой город въехала мафия
и всех жителей люто бешено порезала на ломтики,
как в фильме Догвилль.

По ссылке
от [info]harllatham.

Вообще американские менты это звери
и адские уголовники, что тогда, что сейчас, а
призывы демократов понизить им всем зарплату только
ухудшают ситуацию, выдавливая из полиции более
способных и менее коррумпированных. По уму надо сделать
им люстрации, примерно как Саакашвили в Грузии: дико
поднять зарплату, дико поднять ответственность (включая
тотальное ношение вебкамер, и с прямой трансляцией в
Интернет для всех патрульных и дорожной полиции),
набрать и хорошо обучить новых сотрудников, и в
несколько приемов уволить всех, кто хоть как-то
связан с дореформенной полицией.


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2020-06-18 02:33 (ссылка)
In exactly the same way, there are “incel extremists,” like Rodger or Minassian. But they’re outnumbered by tens of millions of decent, peaceful people who could reasonably be called “incels” — those who desperately want romantic relationships but are unable to achieve them, because of extreme shyness, poor social skills, tics, autism-spectrum traits, lack of conventional attractiveness, bullying, childhood traumas, etc. — yet who’d never hurt a fly. For many of the moderates, it might be true that recent cultural shifts exacerbated their problems; that an unlucky genetic dice-roll “optimized” them for a world that no longer exists. These people deserve the sympathy and support of the more fortunate among us; they constitute a political bloc entitled to advocate for its interests, as other blocs do; and all decent people should care about how we might help them. The puzzle, again, is: why doesn’t anyone say this?

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2020-06-18 06:19 (ссылка)
I had a female friend in college who was an ardent feminist, yet admitted that she wasn’t sexually drawn to most pro-feminist men. “Jackie” acknowledged an inconsistency that I’ve come to see in a number of other younger feminist women — an intellectual desire to be in an egalitarian relationship, but a strong physical and emotional attraction to men who were more dominant and, to put it mildly, much less feminist. Jackie always said she wanted to marry a pro-feminist man someday, but until then, she was going to have her fun with men she referred to as “dangerous assholes who turn me on.”

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2020-06-18 06:38 (ссылка)
всегда так делают

The Dark Triad is a combination of three personality traits: narcissism (heightened sense of self-importance), Machiavellianism (manipulativeness), and psychopathy (low empathy). Many mainstream studies have shown that women generally prefer men with dark triad traits,[1][2][3] and studies have also shown this is not fully explained by men high in the Dark Triad being more extroverted, confident, or physically attractive in general.[4][5]

Several mainstream academic, peer-reviewed studies have confirmed that women are sexually attracted to men who exhibit Dark Triad traits, likely because of women's evolutionary history.[6][7][8][9][10] In practice these traits essentially allude to the following behavioral traits which help an alpha male stand out from his beta brethren:

Guitiérrez et al. (2013) conducted a study in order to determine if the various personality disorder clusters - Type A (Schizoid, Odd), Type B (Narcissistic, Anti-social) and Type C (Avoidant, OCD) - were solely detrimental in terms of life outcomes for the individuals with these personality disorders (PDs), or if they instead presented those who bear these conditions with various potentially adaptive benefits, such as greater sexual and social opportunities.

A sample of psychiatric outpatients were presented with a questionnaire designed to measure the presence and intensity of the ten personality disorders, and a further questionnaire was also administered, that was designed to broadly measure various life outcomes such as number of sexual partners, employment, income, and health.

While finding that in general, PDs were resulting in more negative life outcomes broadly, there were some potentially evolutionary adaptive benefits that seemed to accrue to bearers of these disorders.

Namely, those individuals high in type-B personality cluster traits (Narcissism, Anti-Social, Borderline, Histrionic) of both sexes has 3.5x as many mates as low B subjects, with five times as many short-term mates and twice as many long term mates. It was also found that those higher in cluster B had 39% more offspring then those lower in cluster B traits.[16]

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2020-06-18 08:24 (ссылка)

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2020-06-18 09:27 (ссылка)
> мне не дают
> women bad

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2020-06-19 09:16 (ссылка)
не, women are amazing. and very tasty

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2020-06-19 16:31 (ссылка)
психопаты с психопатками ебутся чаще
заодно формируют социальную норму,
потому что они громче и самолюбование с властью
им больше нравится.

вот феминистка как раз психопатка,
поэтому не может выбрать между крестиком и трусами.

но поскольку выносить психопата тяжко,
им приходится партнеров менять 10 раз в секунду.

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2020-06-18 12:26 (ссылка)

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2020-06-18 22:18 (ссылка)
I had a patient, who came to hospital after being picked up for police for beating up his fifth wife.
So I asked the obvious question: “What happened to your first four wives?”
“Oh,” said the patient, “Domestic violence issues. Two of them left me. One of them I got put in jail, and she’d moved on once I got out. One I just grew tired of.”
“You’ve beaten up all five of your wives?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yeah,” he said, without sounding very apologetic.
“And why, exactly, were you beating your wife this time?” I asked.
“She was yelling at me, because I was cheating on her with one of my exes.”
“With your ex-wife? One of the ones you beat up?”
“So you beat up your wife, she left you, you married someone else, and then she came back and had an affair on the side with you?” I asked him.

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