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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-08-01 21:16:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Lucifer - Marginia
Entry tags:feminism, metoo, smeshnoe

непрошеное нарушение границ
Некто "карина орлова" из говна
эха москвы пишет в Твиттере.

Чудовищная история. Но знайте, что противен и незаконен не

только язык в ухе, но и отвешивать девушкам комплименты о
частях тела или тела в целом (да и лица), а также говорить
на прощание ``целую'' девушке, с которой говоришь первый раз
и якобы по делу.

И писать потом, что вы скучаете, нам тоже не надо. Это
харрасмент - потому что непрошеное нарушение границ.

Нам это не интересно. Если вы, конечно, не Том Харди и не Бред Питт.
А вы не они.

* * *

Лучший коммент:

Тому Харди и Бреду Питту, думаю, ещё и
изнасиловать девок можно.

Кстати, действительно, феминистки практически
дословно повторяют нам то, что трампушка милый говорил

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start

kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to
beautiful-I just start kissing them. It's like a
magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're
a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab
'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[4]

То есть Трамп, конечно, няша, но все эти
феминистки вызывают дичайшую брезгливость,
дичайшую, даже не знаю с чем сравнить. Хуже
путлеровцев. Желаю им всем мучительно сдохнуть.

Но вообще говорить женщинам комплименты по нашим
временам не очень разумно, я уже давно не
говорю. Потому что хз, даже если она сегодня не
феминистка, нигде нет гарантии, что завтра не станет.
Лучше к этому говну лишний раз не прикасаться.


P. S. По соседству:

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2020-08-02 07:05 (ссылка)
> есличо, у Дворкин не было недостатка в поклонниках

what kind of life those people had?!

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2020-08-02 07:13 (ссылка)
When John Stoltenberg, the widower of the feminist writer
and anti-pornography activist Andrea Dworkin, the woman
whom Gloria Steinem called the feminist movement's "Old
Testament prophet," first met his spouse, he remembers
feeling "like we had walked off a cliff." As if the force
of their connection had rendered the world weightless
beneath his feet. He was 29 and she was 27, and they
started talking out on the street in the West Village
after they'd both walked out of a benefit for the War
Resisters League because they thought the protest songs
were sexist. They started spending most of their time
together. Dworkin and Stoltenberg both considered
themselves gay. "She said, 'I met someone,' " remembers
Dworkin's lifelong agent, Elaine Markson, " 'and it's a
man.' "

It was 1974. "There was a party at the apartment where I
was staying," says Stoltenberg. "She was there, and I
think we were dancing, and then I think I passed out
because I had had a lot to drink. And this could be a
little bit of revisionism, but I remember coming to
consciousness with clarity that I couldn't imagine life
without her."Now, 31 years later, almost to the day, he
has been forced to. Dworkin died on April 9 at the age of
58 in her bed in the Washington, D.C., apartment she and
Stoltenberg had moved to about a year ago. They'd moved
from New York so he could take a job as the managing
editor of AARP The Magazine. (When we met, Stoltenberg had
a red rubber bracelet on his wrist that said I LOVE SOCIAL
SECURITY.) Friends say Dworkin had loved their previous
home, a Park Slope brownstone, but it had become difficult
for her to manage its stairs because of severe
osteoarthritis in her knees, exacerbated by years of

Another surprise about Dworkin, given her reputation as an
anti-sex man-hater, is how frequently and passionately she
wrote about men-male writers, male lovers, male family
members (her father in particular, whom she frequently
referred to in conversation as
"thatdearsweetwonderfulman," as if it were his title). And
she wrote about sex constantly. To say that she was
anti-sex misses the point: She was obsessed with sex. Book
after book, page after page of "cunt," "fucking,"
"penetration," "penis," "sucking," "balls," and so
on. Often, Dworkin was offering lurid, excruciatingly
precise accounts of something sexually hideous, as in this
description of her uncle: "He stuck his penis down the
throats of at least two of his children when they were
infants-I assume to elicit the involuntary sucking
response." Another writer might simply have called him a
child molester.

Many of Dworkin's friends did not find out that she and
Stoltenberg were legally married until they read her
obituary in the newspapers. "We hated being called husband
and wife," he says. "When pressed, we would say 'spouse.'
Spouse or life partner are words that we used."

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2020-08-02 07:16 (ссылка)
Ну, первый абзац исчерпывающе отвечает на мой вопрос.

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