

антифа-транс отпиздил Боба Блэка
История про то, как антифа-транс Morgan Le Fay/Elliot Hughes (them/they) до потери сознания отпиздил Боба Блэка гениального писателя и анархиста. На тот момент Блэку было 64 года и он был болен раком.
https://web.archive.org/web/20170116144829/anarchistnews.org/content/defense-punching-bob-black-and-exiling-snitchy-bigots-0 https://leftyhooligan.wordpress.com/2015/09/22/now-thats-entertainment/ https://aragorn.anarchyplanet.org/in-defense-of-bob-black/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/4yzypo/in_defense_of_punching_bob_black_and_exiling/
Блэку инкриминировали предложение сжигать черные церкви наравне с белыми, в котором антифа усмотрели расизм. Вот статья, за которую его отпиздили https://socialinsurrection.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/no-more-water-the-fire-next-time-by-bob-black/ (она была ответом на акцию антифа, которые уничтожили книги друзей Боба Блэка на книжной ярмарке, за какое-то аналогичное преступление).
Антифа это говно и фашисты, самый пакостный скам вообще.
Я поискал историю Qilombo, антифа из Окланда, которые организовали побоище, нашел в комментариях вот это.
Nymphalis Antiopa, Jul 5 2019 17:56: More recently, at the 2014 SF Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, Quilombo, a maoist-type organisation, physically attacked an anarchist bookstall, destroying some books and intimidating various anarchists (see, for instance, this: https://socialinsurrection.wordpress.com/2014/04/30/an-open-letter-to-bay-area-anarchists/). And the response of those who'd been attacked was pretty pathetic - wanting to discuss things with a gang of Leninist thugs who'd already shown that they didn't want to discuss anything. So let's not pretend that this is merely some internal internecine squabble that anyone with an anti-authoritarian outlook should just pass by. These Lenin hero-worshippers have concrete practical effects. There are countless other examples of Leninists fucking over concrete struggles (for another example, there's something in this text, if I remember correctly, about how a Leninist party helped sabotage a struggle back in the 90s: https://libcom.org/library/occupational-therapy-university-college-hospital-strikes-occupations-1992
I wouldn't have bothered to post anything here if it wasn't for the fact that increasingly the so-called "anti-authoritarian" milieu is becoming feebly tolerant of authoritarian politics. And, although what you do against Leninist scum is, as I said, a strategic question, you have to at least recognise that their influence is patently confusing and horrendous and a site that can tolerate LeninistGirl, for example, will tolerate anything.
Black Badger, Jul 5 2019 19:29: Тhe qilombo fiasco was a more drawn-out process of</a> degeneration than you make it sound. the eventual coalescence of the project into a full-blown third wordlist quasi-maoist gang center was not complete until months after the event at the book fair. the space had been opened as "The Holdout" by (mostly white) anarchists and vaguely radical DIY people in 2011. this entailed a hefty amount of voluntary labor and donated/liberated material to make the long-abandoned unit usable as a community gathering space (computers, a library/bookstore, a bicycle repair/rebuilding shop, a screen printing work shop, clothing exchange, sort of a food bank, as well as offering ongoing and one-off educational events). once it became clear that the space was stable and more or less self-sustaining, the identity politicians started moving in. as befits most sub-marxist cooptions, this process was gradual. more self-identified People of Color started hanging out and on occasion participating in meetings. after the definitive suppression of Occupy Oakland and during the generalized demoralization that came in its wake, the first generation of folks who'd built The Holdout were exhausted, both physically and emotionally. the scene was set for the quasi-maoists to make their first move. they rushed a meeting of the organizers' collective and announced that The Holdout was white supremacist since there was a white majority in the collective. white anti-racist ally paralysis ensued, and within a few weeks, at least half of the people who'd volunteered their labor and political energy from the beginning walked away. the influx of the identity politicians created the necessary mass to change the name and to restructure the collective into something more along the lines of democratic centralism, where People of Color were allotted more influence.
a few months later was the altercation at the book fair. at that time it wasn't fully clear to outsiders what had been happening behind the scenes, and there were still visible anarchists involved in the restructured project; they had an informational table set up at the book fair, and their presence didn't raise any eyebrows. the open letter that you linked to was written with the accepted presence in the local anarchist scene of the now-renamed qilombo social center in mind, and by the fact that there were still anarchists involved.
about eight months after their assault and vandalism at the book fair, however, the handful of remaining anarchists had been purged. in a process that took a little over a year, the full takeover (primitive accumulation/resource expropriation) by the quasi-maoists was then complete. no more white allies, no more anarchists, no more pretense to being anti-authoritarian. the building and the adjoining lot were sold to a gentrifier, who didn't renew the lease and it took another two years for the eviction to be complete. it blows that eventually some hideous new gentrified structure will be built on that site, but good riddance to those quasi-maoist fuckers.
Также см. https://socialinsurrection.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/anarchist-purges-anarchist-no-news-at-11-by-lefty-hooligan/
В принципе, все это говно, которое сейчас бушует, народилось где-то в 2012-2014, по подобным историям можно проследить как.