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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-05-06 23:03:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Jeanne Mas - JEANNE MAS
Entry tags:censorship, feminism, porn, sjw, usa

obsessive reliance on the doctrine of academic freedom
Смешное, про историю SJW-движения, как на кампусах
пиздили и запрещали диссидентов, с 1990-х годов начиная.

...The episode would not have shocked anybody familiar with

the campus scene from two decades earlier. In 1992, an
episode along somewhat analogous lines took place, also in
Ann Arbor. In this case, the offending party was the
feminist videographer Carol Jacobsen, who had produced an
exhibition documenting the lives of sex workers. The
exhibition's subjects presented their profession as a form
of self-empowerment, a position that ran headlong against
the theories of Catharine MacKinnon, a law professor at
the university who had gained national renown for her
radical feminist critique of the First Amendment as a tool
of male privilege. MacKinnon's beliefs nestled closely
with an academic movement that was then being described,
by its advocates as well as its critics, as "political
correctness." Michigan had already responded to the
demands of pro-p.c. activists by imposing a campuswide
speech code purporting to restrict all manner of
discriminatory speech, only for it to be struck down as a
First Amendment violation in federal court.

In Ann Arbor, MacKinnon had attracted a loyal following of
students, many of whom copied her method of argument. The
pro-MacKinnon students, upset over the display of
pornographic video clips, descended upon Jacobsen's
exhibit and confiscated a videotape. There were speakers
visiting campus for a conference on prostitution, and the
video posed "a threat to their safety," the students

До кучи, статья из гарвардской студенческой газеты
(мохнатого 2014-го года), тетенька требует заканселить
"академическую свободу", потому что свобода это расизм.


If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and

heterosexism, why should we put up with research that
counters our goals simply in the name of "academic

Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard:
one of "academic justice." When an academic community
observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it
should ensure that this research does not continue.

Two years ago, when former summer school instructor
Subramanian Swamy published hateful commentary about
Muslims in India, the Harvard community organized to
ensure that he would not return to teach on campus. I
consider that sort of organizing both appropriate and
commendable. Perhaps it should even be applied more
broadly. "Academic freedom" might permit an
offensive view of rape to be published; academic
justice would not.

It is tempting to decry frustrating restrictions on
academic research as violations of academic freedom. Yet I
would encourage student and worker organizers to instead
use a framework of justice. After all, if we give up our
obsessive reliance on the doctrine of academic freedom, we
can consider more thoughtfully what is just.

* * *

В принципе, современная борьба феминисток за цензуру,
действительно, началась в 1980-е, с этой самой Катарины
Маккиннон, которая выступила единым фронтом с религиозными
правыми, в попытке запретить порнографию, и преуспела (в
Канаде таки приняли законы о Канкомцензуре и какое-то время
перлюстрировали почту, в поисках порнографии, и дико
даже за порно в частных записках; какого-то мужика
посадили, потому что у него была тетрадка с сочиненным
им дрочевом, которое вообще не предназначалось для

Сейчас религиозные правые по большей части вымерли, а
их дети получили диплом по history of science and
studies of women, gender and sexuality, и вместо религии
проповедуют философию гендера, но разницы никакой.
По факту, вся современная "левая" SJW-активность
это просто мутантное пуританство, с горящими адским
огнем глазами салемских и инсмутских проповедников,
мутантное и сцуко опасное, потому что вместо Библии
использует блядь Андрею Дворкин и ее продолжателей,
превративших гендерно-расистскую шизофрению ебанутой
тетеньки в коммерческое предприятие.


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